• Rini Rahayu Sihmawati UNTAG Surabaya
  • Devy Oktoviani UNTAG Surabaya
  • Wardah untag UNTAG Surabaya


Making nata de coco is one of the way to use waste from coconut water which can not be used so that it can decrease the environment polution . Mango is the fruit which can be found in Indonesia , with high nutrition that can be used for many variation of foods. One of them is fruit juice, that can be added from making nata de coco so that it can be hoped to increase the nutrition value of nata de coco by using Acetobacter xylinum bacteria.
The purpose of the research is increasing nata de coco nutrition value with phisical factor ( texture and thickness),also the chemistry factor ( pH and vitamine C content) and sensoric factor / organoleptic ( taste, colour, and flavour).
The reseach design which is used for complete random design which consist of 3 treatments using mango juice 6 trial test. The first treatment ( S1) = 15%, the second treatment (S2) = 30%, the third treatment (S3) = 45%.
The research result showed that the adding treatment of fruit juice to the pH accid degree, vitamine C , and the nata thickness showed significant influence. For sensoric test / organoleptic in the taste result and flavour showed significant influence while in the colour test there is no influence.
Kata kunci: air kelapa, sari buah mangga, nata de coco, Acetobacter xylinum


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How to Cite
Sihmawati, R., Oktoviani, D., & untag, W. (2016). ASPEK MUTU PRODUK NATA DE COCO DENGAN PENAMBAHAN SARI BUAH MANGGA. Heuristic, 11(02).