Proceeding International Seminar of Multicultural Psychology 2023-08-22T03:20:26+00:00 Hetti Sari Ramadhani, S.Psi., M.Si Open Journal Systems <p>Proceedings of the <strong>International Seminar of Multicultural Psychology</strong> (ISMP) is a publication media of ISMP activities. ISMP is organized by the Faculty of Psychology, University of 17 August 1945 Surabaya every two years. ISMP is a conference activity involving researchers from various countries, not limited to researchers from Asia. Plenary Speakers also involve experts from various countries such as Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Russia.&nbsp;ISMP is a place for researchers from various branches of psychology to discuss, share and collaborate.</p> Front Matter (Cover) 2023-08-18T06:32:54+00:00 Suhadianto Suhadianto <p>-</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Towards a Sustainable Campus: Study of Pro-Environmental Behavior of Canteen Traders at XYZ Private University 2023-08-14T07:17:01+00:00 Yovita Ramos M. Taufik Akbar Rizqi Yunanto <p>Recently, environmental issues on campuses have raised concerns, including low awareness of environmental protection, excessive consumption of energy and water resources, and poor waste management. These issues can lead to environmental pollution and pose risks to human health. Therefore, involving various stakeholders, including faculty canteen traders, is crucial in addressing environmental problems and promoting a sustainable campus. This research aims to understand pro-environmental behavior within the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) framework. Qualitative research methods were employed, including observation and interviews with canteen traders at a private university in Surabaya. Six traders were observed, and two traders and campus management were interviewed as a comparison. The focus was on energy conservation, waste reduction, and recycling. The qualitative exploration revealed that traders exhibited some pro-environmental behaviors, such as reducing electricity usage, avoiding the direct provision of plastic bags, and using cardboard/paper packaging - however, other behaviors like waste sorting and recycling still needed to be established. Thematic analysis identified several reasons for the lack of these behaviors. These included unclear university rules, personal evaluation of the implications and plans for behavior (perspectives and attitudes), the absence of examples and reprimands from authoritative figures (subjective norms), and difficulties in implementing behavior despite the knowledge and available facilities (perceived behavioral control). In order to encourage pro-environmental behavior among the traders, interventions should focus on improving knowledge and internal motivation, regularly enforcing and communicating university regulations, monitoring and imposing consequences for misconduct, and providing adequate facilities.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> pro-environmental behavior, canteen traders, universities, theory of planned behavior</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Gender Differences In The Intention To Quit Smoking Among Emerging Adult: An Indonesian Context 2023-08-16T15:06:51+00:00 Vania Ardelia <p>Indonesia ranks as the first country with the most smokers worldwide, with prevalence of smoking being higher in men than women and tends to increase in the emerging adult population (18-25 years old). Although various policies have been conducted to promote smoking cessation, little has been known about the differences in the intention to quit smoking between men and women in Indonesia. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the differences in smoking cessation intention between male and female emerging adults. Method: This study used a cross-sectional design, in which data were collected among 114 and 211 men and women emerging adults who were active smokers. Participants completed a self-administered questionnaire that consisted of demographic characteristics and intention to quit smoking scale adapted from Ardelia and Dewi (2018). Data were analyzed using Welsch t-test technique. Results: Moderate differences were found between men and women in terms of their intention to quit smoking (<em>t</em>(197) = 2.22, <em>p </em>&lt; 0.05), with men showing higher intention to quit compared to women. Conclusion: Based on this result, smoking cessation strategies should focus on gender-specific intervention strategies in order to promote higher intention to quit smoking.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: emerging adult; gender difference; intention to quit smoking</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis Of Student Well-Being In High School Students And College Students 2023-08-16T15:16:06+00:00 Ditta Febrieta Annisa Dhani Rahmawati Tasya Aulia Adzani <p>Positive academic environment is needed by students to optimize the learning process. The problems that arise because poor of academic environment both in school and university. Therefore, this study aims to determine differences in student well-being owned by students and college students. Quantitative research is used in this study using comparative test analysis technique, to determine differences in student well-being between high school students and college students. This research involved 204 respondents in Bekasi city. Convenience sampling is used to help researchers get respondents quickly according to the required characteristics. This study uses the student well-being scale with 6 dimensions which include, social, cognitive, emotional, personal, physical and spiritual. The results found that there is a significant difference between high school students and college students (p = 0.023). Student well-being on high school student (mean = 112.08) is higher than the college student (mean = 93.29). It was found that the social (53.3%) and the emotional dimension (29.8%) had the greatest influence on the emergence of student well-being in high school student. Meanwhile, student well-being in college students had greatest influence on the social (48.4%), followed by the emotional (26.2%), and the cognitive dimension (14.4%). As conclusions, this study found that high school students have higher student well-being than college students. Also found that social and emotional dimensions have greater influence both on high school and college students.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>College Student; High school student; Student well-being</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Victims of Verbal Sexual Harassment: Self Acceptance Influence Happiness 2023-08-16T15:28:35+00:00 Salsabila Ratu Kencana Syaharani Amherstia Pasca Rina IGAA Noviekayati <p>The happiness of verbal sexual harassment victims is depicted at a moderate to low level, which should not be underestimated as it affects their functionality. Internal factors like self-acceptance have a more substantial impact than external factors. This study aimed to examine the relationships between self- acceptance towards the happiness of verbal sexual harassment victims, along with the percentage of contribution by its predictor variables. This study uses a simple regression analysis method and involves 83 respondents in Surabaya who experienced verbal sexual harassment. Self-acceptance showed a significant positive relationship with happiness (t = 11.601, p = 0.000, p &lt; 0.05) with contributing 62.4% towards happiness. This mean the higher level of self-acceptance towards verbal sexual harassment experienced, the higher level of happiness.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Happiness;&nbsp;Self-Acceptance; Sexual Violence</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Dynamics Of Resilience In Adolescent Victims Of Bulllying 2023-08-16T15:39:12+00:00 Stefani Virlia Jatie K. Pudjibudojo Soerjantini Rahaju <p>School bullying has rapidly spread which results in a significant community health issue, in which the major perpetrators are adolescents. Bullying can be defined as negative act be it physical or verbal with a malice intent and is performed repeatedly involving power differential between parties involved. Several research on resilience showed that student resiliency is essential to manage bullying and reduce the long-term impact. The aim of this study is to explore the resiliency dynamic of students who are victims of bullying. The research adopts case studies with qualitive methods. Two participants who are victims of bullying are the subjects of this study. The results indicates that the participants experience a process of resiliency, starting from the embarrassment and guilt, fear of rejection, self-adjustment, and then standing up again. Resources that helped respondents reach resiliency was self-competence (mastery), connectedness with parents and peers (relatedness), and school and government rules. The research found that there are internal and external factors contributing to the resiliency dynamic of victims of bullying.<br>Keywords: Adolescent; Resilience; Victims</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ADAPTIVE LEADERSHIP MODEL: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research 2023-08-16T15:53:02+00:00 Wahyu Eko Pujianto Sayidah Aulia’ul Haque Sutama Wisnu Dyatmika Ferry Wirawan Tedja <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>The dynamically evolving environment and organizational dynamics must be optimized to make systematic problem-solving steps, which lead to efforts to identify opportunities and threats, make timely decisions, and implement strategic and efficient changes. This can be done by developing leadership traits. The exemplary leadership for dynamic situational challenges is adaptive leadership. This study aims to map research related to the adaptive leadership model. The research method used is quantitative with a descriptive approach. The research data was analyzed using bibliometric techniques. In addition, documentation techniques and literature studies obtained from the Scopus database were also used. From the research analysis, it is known that the keyword network between one study and another, so that it can be known which keywords are most frequently used and which keywords are least commonly used by researchers. In this study, “adaptive leadership” is one of the most frequently used keywords in research related to organizations or leadership. However, “adaptive leadership' is still not widely done in education”, which is only about 1.5% of the research. Regarding the research conducted from 2007 to 2022, it is known that ten keywords are least common in research related to “adaptive leadership”. Concerning the three keywords with the lowest total links, namely “model”, “school” and “adaptive work” as well as the rising field that most rarely studies “adaptive leadership”, namely “education”, research can be designed with the theme “development of adaptive leadership models in higher education”.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;Adaptive Leadership, Model, Systematic Literature Review, Future Research.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## About Things that Can Never Be Fully Yours: A Preliminary Experiment on Flexing 2023-08-16T16:11:15+00:00 Cleoputri Yusainy Muhammad Haikal Azaim Barlaman Jeremy Alexander Timothy <p>The practice of showing off (“<em>flexing</em>”) gradually becomes a daily rite across social media platforms. The current state in Indonesia has even escalated to nationwide issues. We tested the impact of materialistic display on Instagram from the perspective of the audiences using within-subject experimental design. Participants (<em>n</em>= 30 undergraduates; 50% females; <em>M </em>age= 20.967, <em>SD</em>= 1.067) were presented with (i) 3 photos of conspicuous consumption, (ii) 3 photos of conspicuous leisure, and (iii) 3 neutral photos. They then rated the extent to which each photo evoked materialistic aspirations in the domains of wealth, popularity, image, power, and social adherence. A 2 (participant’s sex) by 3 (type of situational materialism stimulus) mixed analysis ANOVA revealed that participants’ materialistic aspirations after receiving flexing photos were higher than after exposure to neutral photos (<em>F</em>(2,27)= 17.431, <em>p</em>&lt;.001). These impacts were consistent for female participants with regards to both consumptive and leisure photos (<em>ps</em>&lt;.01), however male participants did not rate leisure vs. neutral photos differently (<em>p</em>&gt;.072). Although our finding should be considered as preliminary, it highlights that brief exposure to materialistic photos on Instagram can be more contagious among females.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>conspicuous consumption; conspicuous leisure; flexing; materialistic aspiration, Instagram.</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Prosocial Behavior in Adolescents: in Terms of Peer Social Support and Self Concept and Gender 2023-08-16T16:22:06+00:00 I Gusti Ayu Agung Noviekayati Amherstia Pasca Rina Abizah Ardeillia <p>Prosocial behavior especially the behavior of helping, sharing, donating, cooperation and honesty are indicated to decrease along with the rise of technological advances. This study aims to examine the relationship between peer social support, self-concept on adolescent prosocial behavior and gender with adolescent prosocial behavior. The population in this study were all 129 students of SMP X in Sidoarjo grades 7 and 8. Data analysis used is multiple regression analysis and t test. The results of this study stated that there was a very significant relationship between peer social support and self-concept with prosocial behavior (F = 60.767; p = 0.000 (p &lt;0.01). Partially there was a very significant relationship between peer social support and prosocial behavior (t = 4.784; p = 0.000 (p &lt;0.01). And there is a very significant relationship between self-concept and prosocial behavior (t = 5.068; p = 0.000 (p &lt;0.01). There is no significant difference between male and female gender on prosocial behavior (t = -0.968; p = 0.335 (p&gt;0.05).&nbsp;The implications of this study can be improved students' prosocial behavior through charity activities in various communities.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;Gender; Peer Social Support ; Prosocial Behavior&nbsp;;&nbsp;Self Concept</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Effectiveness Of Landslide Disaster Education For 6th Grade Elementary School Students In SDN Galendowo, Jombang District 2023-08-22T03:20:26+00:00 Yulia Vicarista Lengu Inas Zahra Putri Aisya Pahlawani Rany RD Andik Matulessy <p>The objective of this research is to improve the knowledge of sixth-grade elementary school children at SDN Galendowo, Jombang, regarding the topic of landslides. This is based on the fact that the geographical location of Galendowo village poses a risk of landslides. The activities were conducted in the sixth-grade classroom of SD Galendowo using an experiential learning-based training method. The team delivered the education through various methods, including presenting the material, question and answer sessions, and games, in order to achieve the desired knowledge, skills, and abilities. The results of the landslide disaster education showed a difference in the knowledge of the sixth-grade children before and after the training. This means that the knowledge of the sixth-grade children at SD Galendowo regarding landslides differed before and after the training was provided.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Education, Elementary School, Landslides</em></p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effectiveness of Psychoeducation using the Picture Card Method on Understanding Natural Disaster of Landslides among 1st Grade Elementary School Students. 2023-08-16T16:43:27+00:00 IGAA Noviekayati Dini Novita Miranda Abbas Nia Aulia Aulia Lestari Sri Wahyuni Sukri <p>Natural disasters are events that cause traumatic experiences for every human being, but they affect each individual in different ways. This is especially true for young children. Young children tend to have more difficulty in coping with traumatic events due to their limited life experiences, problem-solving skills, and ability to express their feelings and needs. The purpose of this activity is to measure students' understanding of landslide disaster mitigation and their increased concern for the surrounding environment. The target of this activity is 15 first-grade students from Galengdowo 2 Elementary School in Galengdowo Village, Wonosalam District, Jombang Regency, East Java. This activity was conducted in the 1st grade classroom of Galengdowo 2 Elementary School. The method used was Psychoeducation with the picture card method, playing disaster response games, and demonstrating the use of posters as a medium to achieve the desired knowledge, skills, abilities, and expectations. The data was analyzed using a paired sample t-test. Based on the comparison of means, the pre- test and post-test results showed an increase in the average scores after the psychoeducation intervention. According to the test results, it can be concluded that Psychoeducation using picture cards is effective in enhancing understanding and fostering disaster responsiveness among students.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>:&nbsp;Picture Cards ; Posters Landslide ;Psychoeducation</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Improving Emotional Intelligence with Emotional Management Training for Teachers of Special School 2023-08-16T16:53:11+00:00 Ferrensia Octaviani Endang Widyorini <p>Teachers of special school needs tend to have problems with their work that drains energy and their emotions, therefore they need to have good emotional intelligence. The objective of this study was to observe the effect of emotional intelligence training towards controlling emotions of teachers of special schools. Methods: This study was conducted based on quasi-experimental research method with single case experiment involving 5 teachers of special school. Their aged 22-43 years all of them are females. Questionnaire was used to measure the level of emotional intelligence. The collected data were then analyzed using SPSS One-Paired Sample, T-Test was conducted to test the hypothesis. The result shows statistically significant difference between pre and post-test, stated t count &gt; t table means <em>H0</em>&nbsp;was rejected. Thus, there is a difference between the mean pretest and post-test emotional intelligence, significant mean of emotional intelligence between before (<em>M</em>&nbsp;= 39,4, <em>SD</em>&nbsp;= 1,6733) and after the training (<em>M</em>&nbsp;= 51,6, <em>SD</em>&nbsp;= 4,3932), <em>t</em>&nbsp;(4) = 6,99, <em>p</em>&nbsp;= 0,002, <em>d</em>&nbsp;= 1. This study found that the emotional management training is effective in increasing emotional intelligence in teachers of special schools.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;Emotional Intelligence; Emotional Management Training; Teachers of special school</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Nutritional Status And Working Memory In Children: Physical Activity As A Mediator 2023-08-16T16:59:02+00:00 Dita Kharisma Meilanawati Endang Widyorini <p>Working memory is a component of executive function that plays an important role in processing, using, and remembering information on a daily basis also known as an important predictor of future cognitive functions and school achievement. &nbsp;Previous research found that nutritional status could not be the only factor that significantly correlated to working memory. Therefore, research that describes the role of physical activity as a mediator in both variables is needed. This research aims to investigate how physical activity becomes a mediator between nutritional status and working memory. This research was conducted on 79 children aged 10 – 12 years old. The instruments used were Digit Span Test, Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children and Body Mass Index Measurement. The Hayes’ PROCCESS mediation test was used to analyze the data. The result shows that physical activity mediates the relationship between nutritional status and working memory by 15% (0.1576; p &lt;0.05; 95% CI [0.0394, 0.3365]). According to the findings of the research, physical activity was proven to play the role of a mediator in relation to nutritional status and working memory.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;Nutritional Status; Physical Activity; Working Memory</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Exclusionary Time Out To Improve Parents Of Children With Autism' Knowledge To Manage Tantrums 2023-08-16T17:03:41+00:00 Luh Gede Ari Widiastuti Endang Widyorini <p>Tantrums can be frustrating for any parent, especially parents of children with autism because it is more frequent and difficult to manage. Previous studies have shown that one strategy to manage tantrums in children with autism is exclusionary time out technique. The problem is, parents are often wrong in how to handle it, this is caused by a lack of understanding of the right strategy. The objective of this study was to determine whether exclusionary time out technique can improve parents' knowledge to manage tantrums. This study was conducted based on a quasi-experiment research method with a one-group pretest-posttest design which involved five parents aged 29–36 of children with autism. Data were collected using a questionnaire with 20 questions to measure the parents' knowledge about exclusionary time out technique. The collected data were analyzed using Wilcoxon test to test the hypothesis. Result of this study showed a value of Z = -2.060 and p = 0.039 &lt; 0.05 so H0 was rejected. Thus, there was a statistically significant different between pre-test and post-test. This study found that exclusionary time out technique effectively improve parents of children with autism' knowledge to manage tantrums.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;Exclusionary time out technique; Tantrums; Parents</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Experential Learning Methods to Increase Knowledge of Landslide Disaster Mitigation 2023-08-17T03:29:26+00:00 Latifatul Chariroh Jessica Rahardja Sugiharto Rizky Amelia Utomo Eko Setiawan Anrilia Ema M. Ningdiyah <p>Indonesia has a diverse topography with rainfall intensity ranging from low to high. In addition, the density of the population living in hilly areas is also increasing which can be an illustration that the country of Indonesia has a high potential for landslides with the threat of economic, social and even loss of life. Galengdowo is a village in Wonosalam District, Jombang Regency, East Java Province which is at the foot of Mount Anjasmoro which has experienced several landslide disasters. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the experiential learning method for increasing knowledge of landslide disaster mitigation. The sample of this research was 24 third grade students of SD Negeri 2 Galengdowo, Wonosalam. The data analysis technique used is the Paired Samples t-Test. The results of the analysis show a value of t = 14,100 with p = 0.00 (P &lt;0.05), which means that there is an increase in knowledge of the third graders of Galengdowo 2 Public Elementary School before and after being given the experiential learning method related to landslide disaster mitigation.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Disaster; Experiential Learning; Land Longitudinal; Mitigation</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Psychoeducation On Environmental Love And Landslide Disaster Preparedness Elementary School 2023-08-17T03:35:59+00:00 Diah Sofiah Nindya Ayu Safitri Yogi Utomo Catur Prasetianingsih <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>Landslides are one of the natural disasters that frequently occur in Indonesia. Each region in Indonesia has different levels of landslide hazards, which is why research is conducted to provide education to elementary school students about preparedness in facing landslide disasters, specifically in the village of Galengdowo, Jombang District, East Java. The subjects of the psychoeducation on environmental love and landslide preparedness are the 16 students of SDN 2 Galengdowo, precisely in the 5th grade. The method of this program is carried out by providing psychoeducation to develop various life skills, insights, and an understanding of environmental love, as well as the signs before a landslide occurs and the steps to anticipate landslide disasters using the methods of lecturing and small group discussions. The research results indicate an improvement in the understanding of 5th-grade elementary school students regarding these issues. This research shows that psychoeducation about the environment and natural disasters needs to be continuously provided to the community, especially to the younger generation, in order to create an environmentally conscious society that is prepared to face natural disasters.</p> <p><strong>Keyword</strong>&nbsp;: Elementary School ; Environmental Love ; Landslide ; Psychoeducation</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EFT Psychoeducation Program to Reduce Anxiety Levels in PLWHA 2023-08-17T03:41:01+00:00 Ervina Kumalasari Siswanto Siswanto Alphonsus Rachmad Djati Winarno <p>HIV/AIDS infections are having the characteristics of chronic and terminal diseases and cause a weakening of the body's ability to fight infections that occur in the body. PLWHA experience both major physiological and psychosocial stressors such as difficult life experiences, decreased quality of life, and the emergence of stigma attached to individuals. They tend to experience more anxiety than the general population. EFT is a method that can be used to reduce anxiety levels by lightly tapping the fingertips on the body's meridian points followed by thoughts reprocessing and acceptance therapy to overcome negative emotions and thoughts. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of EFT to reduce anxiety in PLWHA. The method used is an experimental one-group pretest-posttest design. The participants in this study were eight volunteers from the Yayasan Sehat Peduli Kasih (YS Peka) which focuses on social support and rehabilitation services for PLWHA. The data analyzed using a statistical test of Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test between the pretest and posttest showed a significant decrease in anxiety (Z = -2.539, p&lt;.05). The recommendation given to PLWHA is to practice doing EFT independently to help overcome anxiety.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome;<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Anxiety; Emotional Freedom Technique; Human Immunodeficiency Virus; Psychoeducation</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Construction of Student's Career Maturity Scale 2023-08-17T04:06:26+00:00 Aniq Hudiyah Bil Haq Ahmad Malik Febrianto Dwi Rady Saputro Ramadhan Surya Saputra Abdul Karim Qanisa Difanty Radhiyya Bustomi Aji Resita Salsadila Khalwati Safitri <p>To be able to choose and plan the right career, is needed including knowing one's own condition, knowledge about work, the ability to choose a job, and the ability to plan steps towards the expected career. This study aims to develop measuring instruments that can measure career maturity in students. The Student Career Maturity Scale consists of 40 items that measure 6 aspects of Student Career Maturity. A total of 325 students participated in this study. The validity of the measuring instrument was tested by content validity with 4 raters. Through reliability analysis with Cronbach's Alpha formula, this measuring instrument has a reliability coefficient of 0.919 and a Standard Error of Measurement of 0.137. These results indicate that this Student’s career maturity scale can be used to measure career maturity in college students because this measurement tool is proven to have good psychometric properties.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;Career Maturity ; Measuring Tool; Students</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Attachment To Parents And Emotional Regulation With Bullying Behavior In Students At School 2023-08-17T04:12:58+00:00 Rossyan Kumalasari Rr. Amanda Pasca Rini Sahat Saragih <p>Bullying behavior often occurs in the school environment. Bullying behavior is influenced by external factors, namely attachment to people and internal factors, namely emotional regulation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between attachment to parents and emotional regulation on the tendency of bullying behavior in students at school. This research is a research with a correlational quantitative approach. The sampling technique used random sampling method with a total sample of 250 respondents from SMK Rajasa Surabaya. Data analysis technique using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the attachment variable had an effect on bullying behavior. This is evidenced by the significance value of the attachment variable which is -0.101 &lt;0.05, which means it is significant and Ho is rejected, which means Ha is accepted. Likewise, the emotion regulation variable gets a significance value of -0.255 &lt;0.05, which means it is significant and Ho is rejected, which means Ha is accepted. And simultaneously the two independent variables have a significant effect on bullying behavior.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Attachment To Parent&nbsp;; Bullying Behavior&nbsp;; Emotional Regulation</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Psychological Well-Being Of Student Cat Owners: Is There A Role For Pet Attachment And Emotion Regulation? 2023-08-17T04:21:57+00:00 Moch Ali Masyhuri Sahat Saragih Yanto Prasetyo <p>Having a cat can bring about changes in a student's life, affecting their PWB (psychological well-being). Pet attachment and emotional regulation are sources for student cat owners to obtain optimal levels of PWB. This study aims to determine the relationship between pet attachment and emotion regulation with PWB in student cat owners. This research gathered 78 student cat owners using accidental sampling technique. The measurement tools used are LAPS (Lexington Attachment to Pet Scale), emotional regulation scale, and psychological well-being scale. Multiple linear regression analysis was applied to test the correlation between the three variables. The results obtained in this study were 40.715 with (p&lt;0.01). This indicates that there is a very significant positive relationship between pet attachment and emotion regulation with PWB. Pet attachment and emotion regulation have an influence of 52.1% on PWB.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Emotion Regulation; Pet Attachment; Psychological Well-Being</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Parenting Stress As A Mediator Between Maternal Parenting Self-Efficacy And Adaptive Behavior Of Children With Intellectual Developmental Disorder 2023-08-17T04:39:40+00:00 Lintang Hari Tanhanasashi Purnama Christin Wibhowo Erna Agustina Yudiati <p>Mothers of children with Intellectual Developmental Disorder (IDD) are particularly vulnerable to parenting stress. Previous studies suggested that mothers who have high parenting self-efficacy and low parenting stress, show better adaptive behavior in children. This study aimed to determine parenting stress as a mediator between maternal parenting self-efficacy and adaptive behavior children with IDD. This quantitative study involved 45 mothers of children with IDD as participants by accidental sampling. The data collection method used three measuring instruments, Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (VABS), Parenting Stress Index-Short Form (PSI-SF), and Parenting Self-Efficacy Scale. Correlational analysis, path analysis and Sobel Test were used. The results of this study found that parenting stress acts as a mediator of the effect of maternal parenting self-efficacy on the adaptive behavior of children with IDD as indicated by the Sobel value of 2.02935786; p = 0.04242185 (p&lt;0.050). Increasing maternal parenting self-efficacy will reduce parenting stress and ultimately improve the adaptive behavior of children with IDD, but the role of clinicians is also needed to support the improvement of protective factors such as parenting self-efficacy and increase adaptive behavior through behavioral therapy to achieve better adaptive behavior. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Adaptive Behavior Children with IDD; Parenting Self-Efficacy; Parenting Stress</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Quality of Child-Parent Relationship: One the Factor of Homosexuality Tendencies 2023-08-17T04:48:16+00:00 Rohmat Hidayat Abdulloh Herlan Pratikto Akta Ririn Aristawati <p>Homosexuality has become a very common problem in Indonesia. Given that Indonesia is a country that upholds eastern norms and culture. Homosexuality occurs in many environments, from education, work, prisons, and other environments. Homosexuality has become a very common problem in Indonesia. Given that Indonesia is a country that upholds eastern norms and culture. Homosexuality occurs in many environments, from education, work, prisons, and other environments. Biological, environmental, and family factors are considered causes of homosexuality. Quality of the child-parent relationship, which is one of the factors for homosexuality, it’s a relationship that includes several aspects, the first of which is to maintain the physical, then the emotional, and social development of the child. This study to intend how big the relationship between the child-parent relationship with the tendency of homosexuality is in 200 late adolescents boys in the Surabaya area. This study uses correlational research by collecting data using a questionnaire. The Spearmans correlation test table obtained the value of Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000, because of the Sig. (2-tailed) value is &lt;0.01, it can be concluded that there is a very significant relationship between child-parent relationships and homosexual tendencies. Based on the Spearmans correlation test table above, the correlation coefficient variable is -0.627, meaning that the correlation is a strong correlation. The results of this study indicate that there is a negative relationship between child-parent relationship and homosexual tendencies.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;Adolescent; Child-Parent;&nbsp;Homosexual; Parent;&nbsp;Relationship</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Mediating Role of Learning Agility on the Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior 2023-08-17T04:56:39+00:00 Ainun Rosidah Diana Sofyan Kristiana Haryanti <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>Competition in the industrial world requires employees to be able to adapt and innovate quickly in order to present the best solutions in unfavorable conditions for the company. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of transformational leadership on innovative work behavior and the mediating effect of learning agility. Research respondents are employees of a manufacturing company in Central Java. This research is a correlational quantitative research. The total number of respondents in the distribution scale is 72 employees with a minimum position of Jr supervisor level. The data collection technique in this study was non-probability sampling, namely purposive sampling. Hypothesis I will be tested using multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS version 21 and hypothesis II will be tested using test Process Macro by Hayes. The results of the study show that transformational leadership has a positive and significant correlation with innovative work behavior. However, learning agility is not significant in mediating the relationship between transformational leadership and innovative work behavior. For further research it is suggested to be able to explore the influencing factors innovative work behavior which has not been disclosed in this study. By conducting further research on these three factors, it is expected to further enrich and complete information about Innovative work behavior</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;Innovative Work Behavior; Learning Agility; Transformational Leadership</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Reducing Child Aggressivity Through Dakon Traditional Games: Literature Review 2023-08-17T05:19:31+00:00 Retno Sri Handayani Dyan Evita Santi <p>Nowadays, forms of aggressiveness often occur ranging from verbal aggression behaviors such as mocking and berating and non-verbal aggression such as serious violence such as brawls, persecution, and even murder. This study aims to identify how to reduce children's aggression through traditional dakon/congklak games. This study used a systematic literature review using 5 national journals which were analyzed descriptively qualitatively to obtain conclusions. The results showed that traditional games such as dakon/congklak have the potential to reduce children's aggressive behavior. These games can improve socialization skills, develop patience and accuracy, build a spirit of sportsmanship, improve analytical skills, develop creativity, and strengthen self-development.</p> <p>&nbsp;<strong>Keywords: </strong>Aggressiveness; Dakon; Traditional Games</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Lack Of Self-Discipline In Students: A Study On How To Improve Self-Discipline In Students In The Blended Learning Process 2023-08-17T05:48:39+00:00 Benedictus Surya Dharma Augustina Sulastri Basilius Oda Sanjaya <p>The development of increasingly sophisticated technology allows the learning process to be carried out anywhere and anytime, commonly referred to as blended learning. However, the flexible learning process is a challenge where students tend to ignore the learning process due to students lack of self-discipline. This study aimed to identify ways to improve students' self-discipline. The research method used is a literature review by searching through Elsevier, Research Gate, and Springer through the keywords self-discipline and challenges in blended learning. The results found from approximately 6 journals explain that there is the same problem in the blended learning-based learning process, namely the lack of self-discipline in students. Found 3 Books and 16 journal articles that explain several important things to improve self-discipline, ranging from goal setting, Family, Environment, and how to maintain the behavior to become a routine. The conclusion of thisstudy found factors that affect self- discipline in students themselves such as motivation in themselves and also the goals set to be achieved.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: Blended Learning; Improving Blended Learning; Problems In Blended Learning</strong></p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Psychoeducation Increases Knowledge Of Environmentalism And Landslides 2023-08-17T05:55:07+00:00 Pris Arie Wibowo Pandi Nurhadi Shofiatul Maulidiyah Dwi Sandy K Amanda Pasca Rini <p>Landslides are a frequent natural disaster in Indonesia. Children are very vulnerable to becoming victims of disasters due to their limited knowledge and skills related to disasters. Therefore, this psychoeducation aims to increase knowledge related to landslides and love the environment as an effort to prevent landslides. The subjects of this psychoeducation were 20 students of grade 4 at SDN Galengdowo. The results of the pretest and posttest were tested using statistical tests with the help of SPSS applications and obtained the average pretest score of 7.05 and the average posttest score of 8.80. This shows that there is an increase in student understanding related to psychoeducation conducted.</p> <p>&nbsp;<strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;Disaster; Environmental Love; International Seminar; Landslide; Psychoeducation.</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SETS Instrument: to Investigate Statistics's Teaching Self Efficacy 2023-08-17T07:04:37+00:00 Nisraeni Nisraeni Riyadi Riyadi Dinny Devi Triana <p>This study examines the development of research on the topic of using mobile payments, e-wallets. The study aims to find out:: (1) how many international scientific publications have developed the topic self-efficacy&nbsp;in teaching statistics from 2013-2023; (2) how many core journals develop the topic self-efficacy&nbsp;in teaching statistics; and (3) how to map the development of international scientific publications that study the topic self-efficacy&nbsp;in teaching statistics based on keywords (co-words). Data collection by searching through Google Scholar with the word teaching statistics self efficacy, self efficacy to teach statistics and preservice secondary mathematics teachers, with the categories of article title, abstract, keywords in the period 2013 – 2023. Data in the form of the number of publications per year, journals that contain articles teaching&nbsp;statistics self efficacy, self efficacy to teach statistics and preservice secondary mathematics teachers, and subjects were analyzed using Microsoft Excel. Meanwhile, topic mapping trends were analyzed using VosViewer software. The results showed that the highest growth development in 2013 - 2023 indexed on Scopus occurred in 2021 which reached 36 publications. Most international publications are published in journalsTaylor &amp; Francis. Journals52 articles. The research results show that-word&nbsp;research development on self-efficacy&nbsp;in teaching statistics as&nbsp;shown by the density map which is the result of an analysis carried out on all articles related to self-efficacy in teaching statistics from 2013 to 2023. For further research, the authors suggest that it is necessary to add keywords so that more research results are more accurate and comprehensive.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Bibliometrics</em><em>; </em><em>Self-Efficacy</em><em>;</em><em>&nbsp;Teaching Statistics</em><em>; </em><em>Vosviewer</em></p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Self-Injury in Adolescents: Is There a Role for Self- Forgiveness? 2023-08-17T07:08:31+00:00 Indah Pradipta Acintya Fatah Herlan Pratikto Suhadianto Suhadianto <p>The&nbsp;purpose&nbsp;of&nbsp;this study&nbsp;was to&nbsp;examine&nbsp;the&nbsp;relationship&nbsp;between&nbsp;<em>Self-</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Forgiveness</em><em>&nbsp;</em>and&nbsp;<em>Self-Injury</em><em>&nbsp;</em>behavior&nbsp;tendencies&nbsp;in&nbsp;adolescents.&nbsp;The&nbsp;subjects&nbsp;in&nbsp;this&nbsp;study&nbsp;were&nbsp;110&nbsp;adolescents&nbsp;with&nbsp;male&nbsp;and&nbsp;female&nbsp;genders&nbsp;domiciled&nbsp;in&nbsp;Surabaya&nbsp;with&nbsp;criteria&nbsp;aged&nbsp;12-21&nbsp;years.&nbsp;The sampling technique in this study is using <em>Incidental Sampling</em>. The data analysis technique&nbsp;in&nbsp;this&nbsp;study&nbsp;used&nbsp;<em>IBM</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Statistics</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>version</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>25</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>for</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Windows</em>.&nbsp;The&nbsp;results&nbsp;of&nbsp;thecorrelation&nbsp;test&nbsp;of&nbsp;<em>the</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>non-parametric</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>technique</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Spearman</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Rho</em><em>&nbsp;</em>with&nbsp;a&nbsp;correlation&nbsp;coefficient&nbsp;of&nbsp;-0.480&nbsp;were&nbsp;obtained&nbsp;with a significance level of 0.000 (&lt;0.01). In the results of the correlation test of this study, it&nbsp;can be concluded that there is a negative correlation with a strong level of relationship between&nbsp;<em>the</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>variables</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Self-Forgiveness</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>and</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Self-Injury</em>.&nbsp;This&nbsp;means&nbsp;that&nbsp;the&nbsp;higher&nbsp;the&nbsp;Self-Forgiveness,&nbsp;the&nbsp;lower&nbsp;the&nbsp;tendency&nbsp;of&nbsp;Self-Injury&nbsp;behavior&nbsp;in&nbsp;adolescents&nbsp;and&nbsp;vice&nbsp;versa,&nbsp;the&nbsp;lower&nbsp;the&nbsp;Self-&nbsp;Forgiveness,&nbsp;the&nbsp;higher&nbsp;the&nbsp;tendency&nbsp;of&nbsp;<em>Self- Injury </em>behavior&nbsp;in&nbsp;adolescents.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong>Adolescent <em>;</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Self-Forgiveness;</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Self-Injury</em></p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tiktok Social Media Use Intensity: Does It Affect Learning Motivation? 2023-08-17T07:12:48+00:00 Rida Sinta Anggiandari Tatik Meiyuntariningsih Hetti Sari Ramadhani <p>The purpose of this study is to prove the relationship between the intensity of TikTok social media use and learning motivation in grade XII students. The subjects in this study were 127 class XII students at SMA Negeri 13 Surabaya with age criteria of 17-18 years and using the TikTok social media application. The sampling technique in this study used purpose random sampling. The data analysis technique used was the non-parametric Spearman-Rho technique and obtained a correlation coefficient of 0.405 with a significance level of 0.000 (&lt;0.01). In the results of the correlation test in this study, it was concluded that there was a positive correlation between the variable intensity of TikTok social media use and learning motivation. This means that the higher the intensity of using TikTok social media, the higher the motivation to learn.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Learning Motivation&nbsp;; &nbsp;Third Grade High School Student&nbsp;; TikTok Social Media Use Intensity,</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Development of The Social Emotional Learning Questionnaire for Students of Mathematics Education 2023-08-17T07:18:51+00:00 Wirda Hayati Wardani Rahayu Iva Sarifah <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p><em>Social Emotional Learning </em>(SEL) is a process of managing emotions, achieving positive goals, feeling empathy, maintaining positive relationships, and making responsible decisions. Research has found that students who develop SEL competencies lead healthier lives and perform better in school. The purpose of this study was to map research trends in the development of SEL questionnaire for students of mathematics education. This research method uses qualitative methods with a literature review approach. Data collection uses <em>the Harzings Publish or Perish </em>application using data from <em>Google Scholar</em>, produces bibliometric network images from the VOSviewer application, and is strengthened by <em>Systematic Literature Review </em>(SLR) of SEL questionnaire development articles in international journals in the last 10 years (2013-2023). From a search of articles that researched the development of the SEL questionnaire, it was shown that the majority of the SEL questionnaire developed were for students from kindergarten to high school. There is three article that examines the development of SEL questionnaire for university students, but students as a whole. Based on the review of the article above, it can be used as a basis for developing questionnaire to measure SEL in students of mathematics education.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong><strong>Keywords: </strong>Mathematics; Questionnaire; <em>Social Emotional Learning</em>; University Student</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Suicidal Ideation in Early Adult Women: Testing the Role of Emotional Maturity and Forgiveness 2023-08-17T11:11:38+00:00 Annisa Nur Fadillah Herlan Pratikto Suhadianto Suhadianto <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>The suicide emergency has reached more than four thousand people died every year in Indonesia. This is caused by suicidal ideation and women are prone to suicidal ideation. The aim of the study examined emotional maturity and forgiveness as predictors of suicidal ideation in early adult women. The study used quantitative correlation, with accidental sampling technique, from 233 early adult women aged 18-25 years who live in Surabaya City and are unmarried. This research instrument uses a suicidal ideation scale (α=0,941), emotional maturity scale (α=0,879), and forgiveness scale (α=0,921). Data analysis techniques with multiple regression tests, showing simultaneously the relationship between emotional maturity and forgiveness of suicidal tendencies, p = 0.326 (32.6%). Partial value of emotional maturity r = - 2.781 and forgiveness value of r = -6.098. &nbsp;Emotional maturity and suicidal ideation have a significant negative relationship with suicidal ideation in early adult women. Suggested to manage emotions well and forgive problems, in order to avoid suicidal ideation.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;Early Adult Woman;&nbsp;Emotional Maturity&nbsp;; Forgiveness, Suicide Ideation</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Resilient, Disaster-Responsive Children: Psychoeducation on Landslide Preparedness to Enhance Students’ Knowledge 2023-08-17T11:27:22+00:00 Maria Ardhita Mahayu Pramesti Zuli Intan A. Sulthanil Awliya Livia Natania Setiawan Tatik Meiyuntariningsih <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>Indonesia holds the top position in terms of the number of fatalities resulting from natural disasters. Galengdowo Village is recognized as one of the areas highly susceptible to landslides. Geologically situated within Wonosalam District, Jombang Regency, East Java Province, Galengdowo Village often witnesses vulnerable human settlements prone to such risks. The potential victims of landslides encompass individuals from various societal strata. The objective of this study is to enhance children's comprehension regarding their response to landslide disasters. The participants in this psychoeducational initiative comprise 20 students from the 2nd grade of Galengdowo Primary School 2, located in Wonosalam District, Jombang Regency. The employed approach entails the utilization of psychoeducation methodologies. The research findings demonstrate a significant improvement in the mean scores pre-and post-implementation of the landslide psychoeducation program (p=0.002&lt;0.05), thus highlighting the influence of the psychoeducational intervention in enhancing the knowledge of the 2nd-grade students of Galengdowo Primary School 2 pertaining to landslide disasters.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Landslides; Psychoeducation</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Multivariate Analaysis of Critical Consciousness on Female University Students in West Java 2023-08-17T11:39:17+00:00 Ibnu Athoilah Neneng Tati Sumiati Mohamad Avicenna Rena Latifa Risatianti Kolopaking <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>There are a lot of gender-based discriminations in West Java, however little effort is made to change this condition. Critical Consciousness (CC) can be the answer to this problem. This study aims to examine the influence of teacher political support, parents and peer political support, experience of discrimination, socioemotional adaptation, academic adaptation, and socioeconomic background on CC and its domains. Sample in this study was taken from population of female students at universities in West Java, with a total of 260 respondents. All instruments in this study have been adapted to accommodate specific characteristics of female students in West Java. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the validity of the construct and multivariate regression analysis was used to analyze the data. There is a significant influence from the variables of academic adaptation, socioeconomic background, teacher political support, life satisfaction, parents and peer political support and experiences of discrimination on CC and its domains with t-value &gt; 1.96. Pedagogical approach from teachers, parents, and peers is important. However, in current society that’s not the only factor, education is still influenced by socioeconomic background, proven by this study that socioeconomic background heavily influenced one of CC domains.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Critical Consciousness; Experience With Discrimination; Female Students; Socioeconomic Background; Teacher Political Support And Parents And Peer Political Support</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Empathy Therapy Reduces Bullying Behaviour 2023-08-19T14:19:12+00:00 Ahmad Bahtiar Suroso Suroso Muhammad Farid <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>School is a place or institution for students to receive instruction under the supervision of a teacher. In this system, students progress through a series of teaching and learning activities at school. Not only that, bullying is also not spared at school. This study aims to examine the effect of empathy therapy on reducing bullying behavior in elementary school students. This research was conducted at SDN Rangkah 6, Surabaya. The research subjects used in this study were 20 students divided into 10 boys and 10 girls. The research design used was the Experimental Pre-Post Test One Group Design with the Paired Sample T-Test analysis technique. The results showed that significance = 0,000 (p&nbsp;&lt;0,05) and the average bullying behavior during the posttest (10,90) was lower than the average bullying behavior during the pretest (18,98), meaning Empathy training is effective in reducing bullying behavior in public elementary school students.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;: Bullying; Empathy Therapy; Elementary School Students</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Madura Community Empowerment Through The Use Of Local Culture 2023-08-17T12:03:43+00:00 Yuriadi Yuriadi Norsuhaily Abu Bakar <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>Empowerment of the Madurese community has the goal of creating a prosperous society economically and civilized educationally and socially. So there needs to be a strategy and method used to make the Madurese people have knowledgeable, experienced and sufficient soft skills in managing the existing Natural Resources. This research uses qualitative methods, where there are three respondents who were interviewed who have competence in this research theme. In addition to being done manually, the analysis in the study also used an Atlas ti. This was done to clarify and be more detailed in the process of data analysis. The findings from this study show that the strategies that can be implemented in the process of empowering the Madurese community are first, the Madurese need to utilize human capital as part of their enthusiasm to progress in managing their natural resources. Management requires adequate soft skills in processing the potential of the village to become common prosperity. Second, it requires social capital, to open their way of thinking by utilizing all the networks they have by promoting natural potential to be known to the world. Third, regulations need to be implemented properly as a form of guarantee that people who will invest in Madura will be safe and comfortable, so regulations must be implemented properly, there is a clear evaluation and according to local and global community needs. Findings in the Madurese community empowerment method. First, is adaptation. Where in the adaptation process will require sufficient facilities for the community to provide opportunities to try new things. So that people get new knowledge and experience in improving people's welfare optimally. Second, participation is that the community gets guidance and direction in doing something so that it is more focused by providing training to improve their competence.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;Empowerment, Local Culture, Madura Communit. &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## How Organizational Citizenship Behavior On Teachers Seen From Work-life Balance and Job Satisfaction? 2023-08-17T12:09:42+00:00 Rosymar Nazari Abdullah Diah Sofiah Yanto Prasetyo <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>This study aims to determine the relationship between Work-life Balance and Job Satisfaction with Organizational Citizenship Behavior in teachers. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is a voluntary behavior possessed by a person to carry out tasks outside of the main tasks without being based on a reward system. This behavior is also referred toas extra role behavior. The research subjects in this study were as many as 84 people who were teachers from elementary schools in Bondowoso Regency. This study uses data analysis techniques multiple linear regression to see the results of hypothesis testing partially and simultaneously. The partial test results obtained a value of t = 4.196, 0.000 &lt;0.01 which states that there is a significant relationship between Work-life Balance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior obtained results of t = 3.698, 0.000 &lt;0.01 which stated that there was a significant relationship. In the simultaneous test, the results obtained were F = 52.527, 0.000&lt;0.01 which stated that Work-life Balance and Job Satisfaction together contributed 52.527 (52%) to Organizational Citizenship Behavior. The conclusion from this study is that there is a relationship between Work-life Balance and Job Satisfaction with Organizational Citizenship Behavior in teachers.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keyword:</strong>&nbsp;Job Satisfaction; Organizational Citizenship Behavior; Teachers; Work-life Balance.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Correlation Perception Of Workload And Emotional Regulation With Work Stress In Teachers 2023-08-17T12:26:00+00:00 Derry Heryandini Suroso Suroso Muhammad Farid <p>Teachers are required to have the ability to carry out and succeed in the teaching and learning process with the curriculum that applies in schools. Whether or not a curriculum is implemented in educational institutions depends on the skills and ability of a teacher to understand the applicable curriculum. Changes in the curriculum make teachers tend to have unstable emotions and get angry easily due to confusion about the new education policy. Under these conditions, stress can be experienced by teachers. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between perceptions of workload and emotional regulation with teacher work stress. The subjects in this study were 87 teachers of public junior high schools in the Sidoarjo District who were over 50 years old. The method used is quantitative correlation with data collection techniques in the form of work stress scales, workload and emotional regulation that have met the validity and reliability test criteria. Data analysis used Spearman Rho's non-parametric statistics. The results of this study indicate that the correlation coefficient value is 0.902 (p&lt;0.05) meaning that the perception of workload has a significant positive relationship with work stress. Meanwhile, emotion regulation has a correlation coefficient of -0.666 (p&lt;0.05) meaning that emotion regulation has a significant negative relationship with work stress.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;Emotional Regulation ; Perceived Workload ; Work Stress</p> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Self-Forgiveness's Role in Addressing Low Life Meaning and Self-Harm Urges in Emerging Adults 2023-08-17T12:30:52+00:00 Chelsya Sania Diani Hasri Tatik Meiyuntariningsih Akta Ririn Aristawati <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>Early&nbsp;adulthood&nbsp;is&nbsp;a&nbsp;period&nbsp;of&nbsp;emotional&nbsp;turmoil&nbsp;because&nbsp;numerous&nbsp;changes&nbsp;occur&nbsp;throughout&nbsp;this&nbsp;time. Developmental activities that differ significantly from previous phases of development&nbsp;necessitate individuals to adapt to new living patterns. With these demands, significant pressure&nbsp;is&nbsp;created,&nbsp;causing&nbsp;individuals&nbsp;to&nbsp;suffer&nbsp;stress&nbsp;and&nbsp;feelings&nbsp;of&nbsp;helplessness,&nbsp;impacting&nbsp;the&nbsp;meaning&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;individual's&nbsp;existence&nbsp;and&nbsp;allowing the&nbsp;temptation to&nbsp;self-harm&nbsp;to&nbsp;express&nbsp;negative&nbsp;emotions. This study aimed to see if there was a relationship between self-forgiveness and&nbsp;meaning&nbsp;of&nbsp;life&nbsp;in&nbsp;early&nbsp;adulthood&nbsp;with&nbsp;nonsuicidal&nbsp;self-injury&nbsp;behavior.&nbsp;A&nbsp;quantitative&nbsp;technique&nbsp;utilizing correlational methodologies is used in this work. The correlation coefficient for this&nbsp;study was 0.914, and the significance value (p) = 0.000&lt;0.01, indicating a significant positive&nbsp;relationship between self-forgiveness and meaning of life in early adulthood with self-harm&nbsp;(nonsuicidal self-injury) behavior.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>:&nbsp;Meaning&nbsp;of&nbsp;Life;&nbsp;Self-Forgiveness;&nbsp;Self-harm&nbsp;(Nonsuicidal&nbsp;Self&nbsp;Injury)</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Moderation of Religious Communities That Have Intergenerational Relationships 2023-08-17T12:44:32+00:00 Eka Zariatul Khumairoh Suwandi Sephia Dwi Fitanti Nur Aziz Afandi Rini Risnawita Su Minta <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>In Kalibago hamlet, there are several religions adhered to, different religious beliefs are common. The&nbsp;harmony built and maintained by the people of Kalibago Hamlet in maintaining harmony and peace&nbsp;together, one of which is during the ogoh-ogoh parade carried out by Hindus during the Nyepi&nbsp;celebration, this is a form of religious moderation based on intergenerational relations. The purpose of&nbsp;this research is to analyze the religious moderation of people who have intergenerational relationships.&nbsp;This&nbsp;study&nbsp;used&nbsp;a&nbsp;descriptive&nbsp;quantitative&nbsp;approach&nbsp;with&nbsp;a&nbsp;sample&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;Muslim&nbsp;community&nbsp;in&nbsp;Kalibago&nbsp;Hamlet,&nbsp;Kalipang&nbsp;Village,&nbsp;Grogol&nbsp;District,&nbsp;Kediri&nbsp;City.&nbsp;This&nbsp;study&nbsp;resulted&nbsp;that&nbsp;the&nbsp;level&nbsp;of&nbsp;moderation&nbsp;of Muslims in this village was moderate with a calculation result of 7, 1% of the Kalibago hamlet&nbsp;community has a low level of moderation. 78.6% of the frequency is in the high moderation level, and&nbsp;some 14.3% of the frequency is in the high moderation level. The most prominent aspect of religious&nbsp;moderation&nbsp;in&nbsp;Kalibago&nbsp;Hamlet&nbsp;is&nbsp;the&nbsp;aspect&nbsp;of&nbsp;compassion,&nbsp;followed&nbsp;by&nbsp;the&nbsp;lowest&nbsp;aspect&nbsp;in&nbsp;the&nbsp;aspect&nbsp;of justice. An educative approach and inter-community dialogue can be carried out to improve aspects&nbsp;of&nbsp;justice&nbsp;in Kalibago Hamlet.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Intergenerational&nbsp;; Moderation&nbsp;;&nbsp;Religion</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis Of Self-Diagnosis Rates In The Early Adult Age Range 2023-08-17T12:53:33+00:00 Eva Rizkika Desi Fitriana Tatik Imadatus Sa'adati Nur Aziz Afandi <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>The opening of public insight into mental health literacy can lead to self-diagnosis behavior. Self-diagnosis is the act of diagnosing oneself with a disease or disorder based on known information, whether sourced from the internet, closest people, or personal experience. This study aims to analyze the level of self-diagnosis in the early adult age range. The research method used is a quantitative descriptive method, with data collection methods in the form of questionnaires. And the analysis technique uses the SPSS version 22 application. The sample in this study is people with an age range of the early adult age range. The result of the research is that the level of self-diagnosis in the early adult age range is in the moderate category, which is 77.3%. In this case the act of self-diagnosis has a considerable influence on that which can cause a person to suffer from cyberchondria.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong>Decision ; Self-Diagnosis ; The Early Adult Age Range</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Ki Ageng Suryomentaram’s Concept Of Mawas Diri In Psychology: A Review 2023-08-17T12:58:15+00:00 Maria Ardhita Mahayu Pramesti Livia Natania Setiawan <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>The exploration of cross-cultural psychological studies presents an intriguing avenue for research, not solely for the purpose of exploring existing theories, but also for acknowledging the diverse cultural backgrounds and the profound impact of cultural interactions on various aspects of individuals. This article delves onto the concept of <em>mawas diri </em>(self-awareness), which constitutes an integral component of Ki Ageng Suryomentaram’s teachings on <em>Kawruh Jiwa </em>(the science or knowledge of the human psyche), particularly in its relevance to the field of psychology. <em>Mawas diri </em>entails a methodical process of self-exploration through the discernment between subjective experiences and conceptualisations thereof (Suryomentaram, 1991). The concept of mawas diri exhibits significant parallels with established psychological notions, including emotional regulation, mindfulness, and its practical applications within counselling and psychotherapy.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Cross-Cultural Psychology ; Kawruh Jiwa; Mawas Diri; Self-Awareness</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Preserving Madurese Language, Is It Important? 2023-08-17T13:03:41+00:00 Yudho Bawono Wasis Purwo Wibowo <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>Indonesia has a variety of regional languages that are used to communicate. Based on data from the Summer Institute of Linguistics, there are 735 regional languages in Indonesia. Of the 735 regional languages, the Madurese language is not included in the category of endangered because the number of speakers is still more than 100,000 people. However, BPS data shows that Madurese language speakers have continued to decline. In 1980, the number of Madurese speakers was 6,913,977 people. In 1990 there were 6,792,447 speakers. The data shows that every year around 12,153 Madurese speakers decrease. There are various reasons why the Madurese language is decreasing. Some of them, they feel ashamed to use the Madurese language because Madurese is considered the language of the middle to lower economic class and is synonymous with the language of people who are not educated. In daily life on Madura Island, the surrounding small islands, as well as overseas, children are also more often invited to communicate using Indonesian and rarely use Madurese as the language of daily communication. It would be a shame if the Madurese language would eventually become extinct because the Madurese language has enormous potential to be used as an Indonesian Absorption Source Language <em>(Bahasa Sumber Serapan/ </em>BSS). In certain matters Madurese is richer than Indonesian. Based on this explanation, with the potential for Madurese to be used as BSS Indonesian, raises the question: is it important to preserve the Madurese language amid the increasing abandonment of the Madurese language by its speakers?</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Madurese ; Regional Language</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Choose: Big Salary Or Work Life Balance? 2023-08-17T14:29:18+00:00 Muhammad Ghazali Bagus Ani Putra <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="601"> <p>Work life balance is one of the findings of the problem symptoms in the Psychosocial mapping study of Distribution Depot PT. X wich is a stated-owned enterprise (BUMN) in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze psychosocial problems in the company's distribution function after the implementation of organizational transformation in the last 5 years. The type of approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. Data collection methods used in this study were sociograms, metaphorical images, interviews, focus group discussions and observation. This study was carried out in three distribution locations as samples in the study, namely distribution locations in East Java, Bali and East Nusa Tenggara. This study was carried out in 3 (three) stages, namely socialization, data collection and review of results to increase research credibility. While the analysis used is thematic analysis and stream analysis. The results of this study found four major themes of psychosocial problems which are referred to as dimensions, namely organizational governance, work systems, social relations and infrastructure. The four dimensions are further divided into several sub-dimensions. Symptoms of the biggest problem are in the dimension of social relations, namely the existence of internal conflicts within the company and the diminishing work life balance between workers and their families. But all of these are just symptoms of problems which are of course caused by the main problem. Armed with stream analysis, the main problems that underlie all psychosocial problems after the transformation of the company's organization were found. The theoretical implication of this study is that there are new psychosocial dimensions in the world of work that are unique to this research setting.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Psychosocial Problems ; Work Life Balance</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## A Phenomenological Study of Grit Among Teachers in Remote Areas 2023-08-20T16:12:48+00:00 Aderiko Prasetya Amherstia Pasca Rina Dwi Sarwindah Sukiatni <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>This phenomenological study explores&nbsp;the concept of grit among&nbsp;teachers working in remote areas. Grit, defined as a combination of passion and&nbsp;perseverance towards long-term goals, has been identified as a crucial factor for&nbsp;success in various domains. However, little is known about how grit manifests&nbsp;among teachers in challenging and isolated environments such as remote areas.&nbsp;This study aims to fill this gap by examining the lived experiences of teachers in&nbsp;remote areas and how their grit influences their professional journey. Data were&nbsp;collected&nbsp;through&nbsp;Semi&nbsp;structured&nbsp;interviews&nbsp;and&nbsp;analyzed&nbsp;using&nbsp;thematic&nbsp;analysis. The findings shed light on the unique challenges faced by teachers in&nbsp;remote areas and the strategies they employ to demonstrate grit in their daily&nbsp;work. The study provides valuable insights for educational policymakers and&nbsp;administrators in developing support systems and interventions to foster grit&nbsp;among teachers in remote areas. This study used snowball sampling with three&nbsp;recommended subjects. This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive&nbsp;phenomenological research type (PFD). The data collection technique used is&nbsp;observation&nbsp;and&nbsp;semi-structured&nbsp;interviews. For the data&nbsp;analysis&nbsp;technique&nbsp;used, namely phenomenological analysis with six stages from Giorgi. Based on&nbsp;the&nbsp;findings&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;synthesis&nbsp;theme&nbsp;through&nbsp;descriptive&nbsp;phenomenological&nbsp;analysis (DPA), three essential themes were found from the three participants,&nbsp;namely professional&nbsp;commitment,&nbsp;career&nbsp;adaptability,&nbsp;and hope<em>.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>:&nbsp;Grit&nbsp;; Passion&nbsp;; Perseverance&nbsp;; Phenomenology&nbsp;; Remote&nbsp;Areas&nbsp;; Teachers</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Dementia Health Literacy Intervention For Informal Caregivers: A Systematic Review Protocol 2023-08-20T16:23:17+00:00 Andrian Liem Yulisna Mutia Sari Sharuna Verghis Philip A. Rozario Maw Pin Tan Tin Tin Su <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>This&nbsp;review&nbsp;will&nbsp;systematically&nbsp;examine&nbsp;the&nbsp;effectiveness&nbsp;of&nbsp;educational&nbsp;interventions&nbsp;on&nbsp;dementia&nbsp;health&nbsp;literacy&nbsp;(DHL)&nbsp;among&nbsp;informal&nbsp;caregivers&nbsp;(ICs)&nbsp;in&nbsp;42&nbsp;Asia&nbsp;Pacific&nbsp;countries/territories.&nbsp;Methods:&nbsp;A&nbsp;systematic&nbsp;literature&nbsp;search&nbsp;will&nbsp;be&nbsp;performed&nbsp;in&nbsp;nine&nbsp;databases.&nbsp;No&nbsp;date&nbsp;nor&nbsp;language restriction will be applied. The quality of studies will be assessed using&nbsp;existing appraisal tools&nbsp;(i.e. Joanna Briggs Institute’s Checklists) and an inductive&nbsp;narrative&nbsp;synthesis&nbsp;technique&nbsp;will&nbsp;be&nbsp;used&nbsp;to&nbsp;analyse&nbsp;the&nbsp;extracted&nbsp;data.&nbsp;Randomized&nbsp;Controlled Trial (RCT) and non-RCT interventions will be full-reviewed but only&nbsp;RCT studies will be pooled in a meta-analysis. Heterogeneity, publication bias, and&nbsp;sensitivity will also be assessed. Results: The results will be reported following the&nbsp;Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)&nbsp;2020 statement. The standardized procedure and reporting will ensure the review’s&nbsp;quality&nbsp;and&nbsp;could&nbsp;be&nbsp;used&nbsp;by&nbsp;the&nbsp;stakeholders&nbsp;in&nbsp;the&nbsp;region&nbsp;for&nbsp;planning&nbsp;DHL-related&nbsp;programs&nbsp;and&nbsp;significantly&nbsp;contribute&nbsp;to&nbsp;dementia&nbsp;caregiving&nbsp;and&nbsp;caregiver&nbsp;literature and programs. Conclusion: This protocol of the planned systematic&nbsp;review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of educational interventions on DHL&nbsp;for ICs in the Asia Pacific countries/territories will set the foundation for its further&nbsp;progress.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>:&nbsp;Aging,&nbsp;Alzheimer’s,&nbsp;Caregiving,&nbsp;Gerontology,&nbsp;Global&nbsp;South</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Loneliness, Parent-Child Relationship and Gadget Addiction 2023-08-20T16:34:49+00:00 Florentina Ratna Pradhita Endang Widyorini <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>Loneliness&nbsp;is&nbsp;a&nbsp;sense&nbsp;of&nbsp;being&nbsp;unhappy&nbsp;and&nbsp;alone&nbsp;that&nbsp;frequently&nbsp;occurs&nbsp;in&nbsp;adolescents&nbsp;as&nbsp;a&nbsp;result&nbsp;of&nbsp;family circumstances&nbsp;or poor relationships between children and&nbsp;parents.&nbsp;Loneliness&nbsp;causes&nbsp;a teenager to seek an escape,&nbsp;one&nbsp;of&nbsp;which&nbsp;is&nbsp;a&nbsp;smartphone.&nbsp;Adolescent&nbsp;gadget&nbsp;addiction&nbsp;is&nbsp;indicated&nbsp;by&nbsp;continuous&nbsp;use&nbsp;of&nbsp;gadgets to&nbsp;the&nbsp;point&nbsp;of&nbsp;interfering&nbsp;with&nbsp;daily&nbsp;activities&nbsp;and&nbsp;functions.&nbsp;The&nbsp;objective&nbsp;of&nbsp;this&nbsp;study&nbsp;was&nbsp;to&nbsp;discover&nbsp;the role of loneliness in parent-child relationships and gadget addiction. The Parent Child Relationship Scale (PCRS), the UCLA Loneliness Scale Version 3, and the SAS-SV (Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version)&nbsp;were&nbsp;used&nbsp;in&nbsp;this&nbsp;study.&nbsp;This&nbsp;study included&nbsp;135 adolescents&nbsp;(85&nbsp;female&nbsp;respondents&nbsp;and&nbsp;50&nbsp;male respondents)&nbsp;aged&nbsp;13-17 years&nbsp;who used&nbsp;gadgets&nbsp;for more than 11 hours per&nbsp;day or social media for more than 3 hours per day (excluding use for studying). The convenience sampling technique was used. The PROCESS mediation test of Andrew F. Hayes yielded results ((β = 0.466; 95% CI [0.0134, 0.0833]). According&nbsp;to&nbsp;the&nbsp;findings&nbsp;of&nbsp;this&nbsp;study,&nbsp;loneliness&nbsp;contributed&nbsp;to&nbsp;poor&nbsp;parent-child&nbsp;relationships&nbsp;and&nbsp;gadget addiction in adolescents.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong>Gadget&nbsp;addiction;&nbsp;Loneliness;&nbsp;Parent-child&nbsp;relationship.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## First-Then Visual Support Technique To Increase Teacher’s Knowledge In Reducing Aggressive Behavior 2023-08-20T16:38:06+00:00 Yumna Sita Putri Wistiani Endang Widyorini <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="901"> <p>Children with special needs sometimes express their emotions through aggressive behavior toward others. &nbsp;It’s a challenge for the teacher to be able to deal with aggression in special needs children. Therefore, it’s necessary for teachers to have knowledge about techniques to deal with aggressive behavior. The study aims to assess the effectiveness of the first-then visual support technique to increase teachers’ knowledge to reduce the aggressive behavior of students with special needs. This study was conducted based on quasi-experimental research with a pretest-posttest design with a single case experiment involving 5 teachers at kindergarten X in Semarang aged 30-35 years. The questionnaire is used to measure the teacher’s knowledge about aggressive behavior and the first-then visual support&nbsp;technique. Data was analyzed using SPSS 22.0 with non-parametric Wilcoxon analysis. The result showed that there is a significant difference between the teacher’s knowledge before and after the session (Z= -2.041, p= .041). The posttest’s mean score (M= 18.00) is higher than the pretest’s mean score (M=8.00). This study found that the session effectively increase teachers’ knowledge related to aggressive behavior and first-then visual support to reduce the aggressive behavior of students with special needs.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp;Aggressive; First-Then Visual Support; Special Needs.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##