JEB17 : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis 2024-07-25T09:42:18+00:00 I Made Suparta Open Journal Systems <p style="line-height: 115%; font-size: 16px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS',sans-serif; color: black; text-align: justify; margin: 0cm 0cm 10.0pt 0cm;"><span style="color: #000000; font-size: 14px;"><strong>JEB17 -Journal of Economics and Business</strong> is biannual peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the Faculty of Economics and Bussines, at the Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. It publishes high quality research papers in all fields of &nbsp;Economics and in closely related fields of finance, online and offline bussines, accounting, management, and politics in economy, trading and enterpreneurship. The Journal is interested in both theoretical and applied research with an emphasis on topics in corporate finance, financial markets and institutions, and investments. Research in real estate industry, insurance industry, monetary theory and policy, and industrial organization is also welcomed. The journal is also encourages articles dealing with the relation between the financial structure of firms and the industrial structure of the product market.</span></p> Penerapan Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Sebagai Upaya Untuk Meningkatkan Loyalitas Pelanggan : Studi Kasus pada Toko SRC Mulia Mojokerto 2024-07-25T08:46:48+00:00 Elsi Mersilia Hanesti Jannatu Naimah Selly Nurwahidah Saputri Muhammad Farikh Aunillah <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Dalam upaya mengembangkan dan memperkuat hubungan perusahaa dengan pelanggan, tentunya membutuhkan suatu pengaturan yang sesuai dengan kondisi pasar. Pengaturan ini berupa langkah-langkah maupun strategi yang dapat di implementasikan oleh perusahaan dengan tujuan membangun relasi dan memperkuat jaringan perusahaan.</span><em><span style="font-weight: 400;"> Customer Relationship Management </span></em><span style="font-weight: 400;">(CRM) adalah strategi tingkat korporasi yang berfokus pada pembangunan dan pemeliharaan hubungan dengan pelanggan. Toko SRC Mulia merupakan salah satu bentuk usaha penjualan unit sembako yang berada di Kabupaten Mojokerto. Saat ini konsep pemasaran sedang mengalami pertumbuhan dan perluasan yang signifikan. Perhatian perusahaan tidak semata-mata diarahkan pada perolehan pelanggan baru, namun perusahaan harus mulai memikirkan strategi untuk memanfaatkan basis pelanggan mereka saat ini. Tujuan akhir dari semua upaya perusahaan adalah menumbuhkan loyalitas pelanggan yang bertahan lama. Gagasan bahwa pemasaran yang efektif hanya bergantung kepada penawaran produk berkualitas dengan harga bersaing tidak lagi memuaskan. Meskipun memiliki produk yang unggul dan harga yang kompetitif tetap penting, namun hal ini tidak menjamin kesuksesan pasar. Hal yang sama pentingnya adalah menumbuhkan loyalitas pelanggan dan membangun hubungan yang langgeng antara perusahaan dengan pelanggan.</span> <em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Customer Relationship Management (CRM)</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400;"> tersedia untuk menjaga loyalitas pelanggan. Lewat </span><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Customer Relationship Management (CRM),</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400;"> perusahaan bisa menjalin hubungan dua arah antara pelanggan dan perusahaan. Perusahaan menjadi tahu akan kebutuhan pelanggan dan memberikan pilihan produk atau jasa yang sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.</span></p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Toko SRC Mulia, Loyalitas Pelanggan,</span> <em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Customer Relationship Management (CRM),</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Karyawan.</span></p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE THE INFLUENCE OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL VARIABLES ON THE WORLD ETHEREUM PRICE: COINTEGRATION ANALYSIS 2024-07-25T08:46:48+00:00 I Made Puspa Kusuma Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari <p>This study aims to analyze the impact of internal variables, including total Ethereum, number of transactions, fees per transaction, and number of active wallets, as well as external variables, namely the price of Bitcoin and the price of gold, on global Ethereum prices. The study utilizes daily data covering the period from December 31, 2016, to December 31, 2021. The data analysis employs time series data with the assistance of Eviews 10 and the error correction model (ECM) method. The study's findings indicate that total Ethereum, number of transactions, fees per transaction, number of active wallets, price of Bitcoin, and price of gold collectively exert a significant influence on Ethereum prices. However, when examined individually, total Ethereum demonstrates a negative impact and lacks statistical significance on Ethereum prices. Similarly, the number of transactions exhibits a negative and significant effect on Ethereum prices. Conversely, transaction fees, number of active wallets, and the price of Bitcoin have a positive and significant impact on Ethereum prices. Meanwhile, global gold prices do not exhibit any influence on Ethereum prices.</p> 2024-07-25T07:44:17+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPLEMENTASI ISLAMIC GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DALAM PENGELOLAAN ZIS DI BAZNAS KABUPATEN GRESIK 2024-07-25T08:46:49+00:00 Anggita Rismaputri Rahmadhanis Sheila Widya Pitaloka Muhammad Faqih Izzuddin Amrullah Elsi Mersilia Hanesti <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><em>Islamic economic principles-based financial instruments, Zakat, Infak, Sedekah (ZIS), play a key role in supporting social and economic development of the community. The fundamental principles of Islamic economics in ZIS create a foundation for a just and sustainable life. Challenges in transactions include a lack of understanding related to ZIS, a perception of a simple concept, and low trust of muzakki in the zakat institution. Effective governance is needed to establish a professional and trusted zakat institution. Islamic Good Corporate Governance (IGCG), a governance guideline based on Islamic law, reinforces the principles of zakat management according to Law No. 23 of 2011 Article 2. The objective of this research is to identify IGCG indicators in BAZNAS Gresik and analyze their implementation in managing ZIS funds. The research results indicate that BAZNAS Gresik consistently applies the principles of Islamic Good Corporate Governance (IGCG) in zakat fund management. Through principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness, BAZNAS Gresik successfully builds trust within the community and provides positive impact for mustahik. Concrete steps such as the use of technology, employee training, regular reporting, and productive zakat programs demonstrate the commitment of BAZNAS Gresik in creating sustainability and social justice.</em></p> <p><strong>Key Words:</strong> <em>BAZNAS Gresik, Islamic Good Corporate Governance (IGCG), Zakat, Infak, Sedekah (ZIS).</em></p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Instrumen keuangan berbasis prinsip ekonomi Islam, Zakat, Infak, Sedekah (ZIS), memainkan peran kunci dalam mendukung pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat. Prinsip dasar ekonomi Islam dalam ZIS menciptakan fondasi kehidupan yang adil dan berkelanjutan. Tantangan perzakatan mencakup kurangnya pemahaman terkait ZIS, persepsi konsep yang sederhana, dan rendahnya kepercayaan muzakki terhadap lembaga amil zakat. Tata kelola efektif diperlukan untuk menciptakan lembaga amil zakat yang profesional dan dipercayai masyarakat. Islamic Good Corporate Governance (IGCG), pedoman tata kelola berdasarkan syariah Islam, memperkuat prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan zakat sesuai UU No. 23 Tahun 2011 Pasal 2. Tujuan penelitian ini mengidentifikasi indikator IGCG di BAZNAS Kabupaten Gresik dan menganalisis implementasinya dalam pengelolaan dana ZIS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa BAZNAS Gresik secara konsisten menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Islamic Good Corporate Governance (IGCG) dalam pengelolaan dana zakat. Dengan prinsip <em>transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness</em>, BAZNAS Gresik berhasil membangun kepercayaan masyarakat dan memberikan dampak positif bagi mustahik. Langkah-langkah konkret seperti penggunaan teknologi, pelatihan karyawan, pelaporan rutin, dan program zakat produktif menunjukkan komitmen BAZNAS Gresik dalam menciptakan keberlanjutan dan keadilan sosial.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> BAZNAS Gresik, Islamic Good Corporate Governance (IGCG), Zakat, Infak, Sedekah (ZIS)</p> 2024-07-25T07:55:09+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH AUDIT INTERNAL DALAM UPAYA PENCEGAHAN KORUPSI (STUDI LITERATUR) 2024-07-25T08:46:50+00:00 Irda Agustin Kustiwi Afi Masruroh Tessa Eka Tania <p><em>This research is to review the important role of internal audit in corruption prevention. Internal audit is identified as a key instrument for identifying corruption gaps and risks within organizations. This research explores how internal audit practices, including compliance evaluation, transaction monitoring, and internal control implementation, can effectively reduce opportunities for corruption. The purpose of this study is to establish hypotheses regarding the influence between variables that will be used in future research. The results of this study conclude that high pressure, opportunity, and rationalization increase the incidence of corruption and internal audit does not work effectively in preventing corruption.</em></p> 2024-07-25T08:17:06+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALISIS PENDAPATAN DAN KELAYAKAN USAHA TERNAK SAPI POTONG DI DESA SUMURBER KECAMATAN PANCENG KABUPATEN GRESIK 2024-07-25T08:45:39+00:00 Muhammad Aldy Asyadur Rohman kunto Inggit Gunawan <p><em>Beef cattle is a very potential livestock product. Beef cattle are also one of several sources of food that have high nutritional value in people's lives. Beef cattle themselves have several benefits, including; beef for food and other by-products such as cow dung, cow skin, beef bones, and so on. This type of research is a qualitative research using Return On Investment (ROI), Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C), and Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) calculators as indicators of the feasibility of beef cattle business. The data used in this study are primary data obtained from the results of interviews and observations with informants who have been determined in this study. The informants from this study are beef cattle breeders in Sumurber Village, Panceng District, Gresik Regency who have been in the cattle business for 1 year or more. The beef cattle business in Sumurber Village, Panceng District, Gresik Regency under study has different annual costs. The total expenditure of the six informants was then taken on average, which was IDR 52,188,000 per year during the process of fattening beef cattle. The total income of the six informants was then taken on average, which was IDR 59,462,000 per year during the process of fattening beef cattle. The results of this study are that the feasibility of beef cattle farming in Sumurber Village, Panceng District, Gresik Regency, is declared feasible by taking into account several aspects, namely the overall average B/C of beef cattle business in Sumurber Village, Panceng District, Gresik Regency, which is 1.12. The average overall R/C of beef cattle business in Sumurber Village, Panceng District, Gresik Regency is 2.13. The overall average ROI of the beef cattle business in Sumurber Village, Panceng District, Gresik Regency is 113.45%.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Beef Cattle, Cost, Income, and Business Flexsibility</em></p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementasi Pemikiran Tokoh Neo Keynesian Pada Perekonomian Indonesia 2024-07-25T09:26:26+00:00 Bielsa Aditya Denora Bielsa Denora Aprieliandro Putra Yehuzia Widiatmojo <p>Around 1970, there was stagflation that could not be solved using Keynes's framework. Then some economic scientists began to abandon the Keynes theory and the Phillips curve, which is a trade-off between the magnitude of inflation and unemployment, also began to be abandoned in the macroeconomic consensus. The micro foundations of Keynesian thought began to be questioned and New Classical thought began to dominate replacing Keynes's thinking. Keynesian ideas continued to develop and reappeared around 1980 and are often called the New Keynesian Group. It begins with the premise that in the economy there is involuntary and persistent unemployment and economic fluctuations are at the center of all problems in the economy, such as: repression and depression which represent large-scale market failures. The New Keynesians also place reform in the foundations of microeconomics. New Keynesian thought still maintains the Keynesian tradition of rigidity in prices and nominal wages, so the New Keynesians try to find a more acceptable explanation. The views of many scientists such as Alvin Harvey Hansen, Wassily Leontief, Paul Samuelson, Simon Kuznets, and others related to New Keynesianism are still being applied by countries in the world, such as Indonesia.</p> <p>Keywords: neo keynesian, acceptable explanation, persistent unemployment and economic fluctuations</p> 2024-07-25T09:26:26+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementasi Pemikiran Ekonomi Klasik pada Perekonomian Indonesia di Era Society 5.0 2024-07-25T09:42:18+00:00 Aisyah Noor Angelia Amanda Nabila Nanang Arifin <p><em>The operation of the economic system in a country depends on the economic system adopted. The idea of the economic system itself has evolved over the centuries. The development of modern economic theory was marked by the emergence of Adam Smith's classical economic theory in 1776. The ideas proposed by Smith were considered revolutionary until they were considered the cause of the first industrial revolution and international trade. Until now, in the era of society 5.0, the concept of this idea is still widely adopted in various countries in the world, including Indonesia.</em></p> 2024-07-25T09:42:17+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##