Jurnal Hukum Magnum Opus 2024-06-25T02:38:18+00:00 Dr.Syofyan Hadi, S.H.,M.H Open Journal Systems <p>Journal title: <strong>Jurnal Hukum Magnum Opus</strong> <br> Initials: <strong>JHMO</strong> <br> Abbreviation: <strong>Jurnal Hk.Mag.Op</strong> <br> Frequency: <strong>2 Issues per year (February &amp; August)</strong> <br> DOI: <strong><a href=";publication=Jurnal+Hukum+Magnum+Opus">DOI 10.30996/JHMO</a></strong> <br> P-ISSN: <strong><a href="">2623-1603 </a></strong> <br> E-ISSN: <strong><a href="">2623-274X </a></strong> <br> Editor in Chief: <strong><a href=";view=overview">Syofyan Hadi</a></strong><br> Publisher: <strong><a href=""> Master of Law, Law Faculty, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya</a></strong> <br> Citation: <strong><a href=""> SINTA</a></strong><strong><a href=";view_op=list_works&amp;authuser=4&amp;gmla=AJsN-F7kzoF__mnUQ8rijdzE6pCAvrtLhMl3mOfxE2RpkO0AFfQhbygAiiuuP2paqX3ejFRVucXr4KFOjq0HNx0RdVYPmZy0Iw&amp;user=2kXRd0oAAAAJ"> Google Scholar</a></strong><strong><a href=""> Garuda</a></strong><strong><a href=";search_type=kws&amp;search_field=full_search"> Dimensions</a></strong> <br> Discipline: <strong>Customary Law, Marriage Law, Humaniter, Artificial Intelligence, Land Reform, Taxation, International Law, Electronic Commerce, and Financial Institution Law.</strong><br> Jurnal Hukum Magnum Opus is a peer-reviewed journal, published by the Master of Law, Law Faculty, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. First published in 2018 and up to now there are as many as two editions per year. Each edition there are eleven articles. This journal gives readers access to download journal entries in pdf file format. Jurnal Hukum Magnum Opus is created as a means of communication and dissemination for researchers to publish research articles or conceptual articles. The Jurnal Hukum Magnum Opus only accepts articles related to&nbsp;Customary Law, Marriage Law, Humaniter, Artificial Intelligence, Land Reform, Taxation, International Law, Electronic Commerce, and Financial Institution Law. The language used in this journal is English. <br> <strong><a href=""> Since January 2021, this journal has been accredited Rank 3 as a scientific journal under the decree of the Minister of Research And Technology Head of National Research And Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia, Decree No. 200/M/KPT/2020, December 30th, 2020</a></strong> <br> This journal has been indexed by: Sinta, Google Scholar, Dimensions, Garuda, LIPI, Zenodo, Academia, PKP Index, Scilit, etc. and has become a CrossRef Member, therefore, all articles published by JHMO will have unique DOI number.</p> Examining the Legality of Adultery Restrictions for Laborers: A Study in Employment Law 2024-06-06T22:24:24+00:00 M. Lutfi Rizal Farid Muhammad Khananul Ikhsan Calvin Anthony Putra <p style="text-align: justify;">The research aims to analyze and propose recommendations concerning regulations prohibiting acts of infidelity committed by workers/laborers from the perspective of labor law. Unlike labor laws and regulations, which do not specifically address the prohibition of acts of infidelity, autonomous rules can address such provisions. This study employs a normative legal research methodology, utilizing both statutory and conceptual approaches. Primary and secondary legal materials serve as the basis for analysis. Findings indicate that provisions prohibiting acts of infidelity for workers/laborers can be integrated into autonomous principles without contravening existing laws and regulations. Furthermore, acts of infidelity may also fall under the purview of urgent offenses or criminal acts. The inclusion of such prohibitions in autonomous rules is not indicative of bad faith on the part of employers seeking to expedite termination of employment relations. Rather, it serves as a preventive measure against violations of laws, regulations, and ethical standards by workers/laborers. Regarding dispute resolution, termination of employment cannot be immediate in cases related to allegations of infidelity. Instead, due process must be followed to ascertain the veracity of such accusations and determine the culpability of the worker/laborer involved.</p> 2024-05-31T03:31:21+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Security Guarantee Midwife in Conflict Areas 2024-06-06T22:24:50+00:00 Ika Nanda Rochma Putri Wiwik Afifah <p style="text-align: justify;">The background of this research is that health services are a state obligation as mandated by the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945. These services must be distributed evenly across all regions of Indonesia, not just focused on the island of Java. Indonesia includes 3T areas (Disadvantaged, Frontier, Outermost) which face numerous issues, one of which is social conflict. These areas are particularly prone to social conflict, which can hinder the delivery of health services provided by the state. As part of the health service assistance, the state deploys health workers according to the Ministry of Health's Nusantara Sehat program, including midwives. In some 3T areas, social conflict poses threats to midwives, sometimes resulting in their injury or death. Therefore, ensuring the safety of midwives is crucial for improving health services throughout Indonesia and protecting the rights of midwives working in these regions. This research aims to explore, understand, and explain the security guarantees for midwives in 3T areas experiencing social conflict. The research employs a normative juridical method with a statutory and conceptual approach. The findings indicate that current laws and regulations do not clearly define the security guarantees that midwives should receive when working in conflict zones.</p> 2024-05-31T08:28:14+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Legal Ramifications of Employing AI-Generated Logos as Brand Identities: A Juridical Examination 2024-06-06T22:25:17+00:00 Muh Ersandi Rizki Pratama Sandy Erdi Bimantara Giovanni Samantha <p style="text-align: justify;">The utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is experiencing rapid expansion in contemporary times. Within the domain of trademark law, a logo serves as a visual identity utilized to distinguish a product or service from its competitors. The utilization of a logo as a brand identity is afforded specific legal protections pursuant to Indonesian Law No. 20/2016 concerning Trademarks. A pivotal consideration pertains to discerning the rightful owner of the rights to the logo created by AI. Is it the proprietor of the AI software employed in crafting the logo, or is it the proprietor of the company or individual who commissioned the logo? The method employed in this research is a normative juridical approach, which scrutinizes the application of legal principles or norms. The approaches employed in this research encompass conceptual and statutory analyses. The objective of this research pertains to understanding the Legal Implications of Utilizing Artificial Intelligence-Generated Logos as Brand Identities, and serving as a reference material for subsequent legal inquiries, particularly those related to the advancement of artificial intelligence. &nbsp;The majority of regulations concerning copyright and ownership of artistic works still hinge upon Copyright Law No. 28/2014. Despite its enactment, the Copyright Law remains bereft of provisions safeguarding works generated by Artificial Intelligence. In the realm of AI or artificial intelligence, there are instances where AI applications inadvertently generate trademark logos bearing visual resemblance to other trademark logos. Such resemblances have the potential to bewilder consumers and undermine the authenticity of a brand.</p> 2024-06-02T05:13:03+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Legal Certainty of Non-Prime Offender Provisions in Justice Collaborator Criteria 2024-06-06T22:25:45+00:00 Messy Rivelya Hape Renaldi Markus Larumpa <p style="text-align: justify;">The judge's determination that the defendant was not the main perpetrator in the verdict of premeditated murder case number 798/Pid.B/2022/Pn.Jkt.Sel, involves the role of a justice collaborator, which requires the perpetrator to not be the main offender. Normatively, the absence of a clear definition leads to legal uncertainty. Therefore, establishing the criteria for not being the main perpetrator can be achieved through theoretical interpretation of the participation offenses related to Defendant Eliezer. Analysis of existing types of participation offenses indicates that those involved in the act (medeplegen) are not considered the main perpetrators, whereas individuals who encourage, instigate, and intend for the action to occur are deemed the main perpetrators. Consequently, based on his role, position, and authority in committing the crime, Defendant Eliezer is categorized as not the main perpetrator. The criteria for this determination focus on the individual with the greatest role and responsibility. The purpose of this research is to explore the legal certainty surrounding the determination of the main perpetrator as a criterion for becoming a justice collaborator, which lacks normative clarification. This research employs a normative juridical method with a conceptual approach, along with legislative and case study analysis. The findings indicate that the legal certainty in determining the non-main perpetrator, as a criterion for a collaborating witness in revealing premeditated murder cases involving Defendant Eliezer, lacks dogmatic legal certainty. The Criminal Code does not explicitly define the classification of non-main perpetrators within the doctrine of participation, but Articles 55-56 of the Criminal Code address the punishment for individuals involved in crimes committed collectively.</p> 2024-06-04T02:06:50+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of Decentralization in the Central Government's Acquisition of Provincial Road Management 2024-06-10T02:01:35+00:00 Filicia Vinidya Mitaya <p>Infrastructure is a crucial aspect necessary for a state to perform its various functions. One type of infrastructure that plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth mobility of the general public is roads. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, the quality of road networks cannot be described as ideal. The substandard condition of these roads has drawn public concern, particularly following a social media post by a resident of Lampung Province criticizing the quality of roads there. In response to this public attention, the Central Government decided to assume the duties, authority, and responsibility for repairing 15 (fifteen) roads in Lampung Province. This decision has sparked new concerns among the public regarding the centralization of duties, authority, and responsibilities, which could undermine the spirit of decentralization. Based on the findings presented in this article, it can be asserted that the central government's assumption of the duties, authority, and responsibilities of local governments does not violate prevailing laws and regulations and is in accordance with them. Nevertheless, the phenomenon of the central government taking over these responsibilities warrants attention. This case highlights that the Lampung Provincial Government is not entirely capable of managing the tasks mandated by the Central Government. Therefore, from the findings of this case, it is evident that there is still a significant need for the maturation of Regional Governments in fulfilling the duties, authority, and responsibilities entrusted to them.</p> 2024-06-10T02:01:35+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Legal Implications for PPAT Employees Serving as Instrumental Witnesses in Title Transfer Agreements 2024-06-11T12:32:05+00:00 Rizki Amanda Tjempaka Tjempaka <p>Employees or instrumental witnesses of PPAT play a crucial role, particularly in service provision. Not only can Land Deed Officials be defendants, but employees or instrumental witnesses may also become defendants if there is a tort claim due to slow services causing harm to their clients. The presence of instrumental witnesses is vital as it can help maintain the safety of the PPAT's position in the event of contested deeds. The purpose of this study is to determine the legal consequences for PPAT employees who act as instrumental witnesses in title transfer agreements. This research employs a normative juridical method with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The findings of this study indicate that if an issue arises after the service is provided by the Land Deed Official to the client and involves employees or instrumental witnesses, the Land Deed Official must ensure the safety of their employees. PPAT employees who act as witnesses in title transfer agreements bear significant legal responsibilities, particularly if they are involved in unlawful acts. They may face legal liability under Article 1365 of the Indonesian Civil Code, which states that any unlawful act causing damage to another obliges the person who committed the act to compensate for the damage.</p> 2024-06-11T12:30:37+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Enhancing Legal Safeguards for Human Trafficking Victims in Indonesia 2024-06-25T02:38:18+00:00 Pika Sari Totok Yanuarto Sapti Prihatmini Arif Amirullah Fanny Tanuwijaya <p>Human trafficking constitutes one of the most egregious forms of human rights violations, characterized by extensive criminal networks operating at both individual and group levels. This phenomenon is not new, and certain countries, including Indonesia, report high incidences of human trafficking-related crimes. The purpose of this research is to provide an evaluation and understanding of the legal protections available to victims of human trafficking in Indonesia. This study is classified as normative legal research, involving an examination of theories, concepts, legal principles, and relevant statutory provisions pertaining to the topic. Despite significant efforts by the Indonesian government to combat human trafficking, minimum standards for eradication have not been fully met. While there have been notable advancements compared to previous periods, especially in response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, substantial deficiencies remain. Indonesia's upgrade to Tier 2 reflects progress in the investigation, prosecution, and adjudication of human trafficking offenses, including cases of forced labor in palm oil plantations and cyber fraud operations abroad. Additionally, there have been efforts to enhance compensation for victims of human trafficking.</p> 2024-06-25T02:38:18+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##