Spin-Off Appropriateness Assessment: Propriety Test of Sharia Business Unit Spin-Off to Increase Return on Assets

  • Muhammad Daffa Alfandy Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Banking, Sharia Business Unit, Sharia Commercial Bank, Return on Assets, Spin-Off


The obligation to transform a sharia business unit into a sharia commercial bank through a spin-off from its parent bank, a conventional commercial bank, must be balanced with a strategy to increase the return on assets (ROA) of Islamic Business Entities (BUS). A higher ROA ratio correlates with increased profitability. The regulatory provision mandating spin-offs, however, tends to weaken the BUS, making it difficult to compete in the national Islamic banking industry. This is because the spin-off obligation for the UUS can actually diminish its profitability performance. As Watchell has noted, while spin-offs can create differentiation from investment targets in each business, they can also lead subsidiary companies to become more focused in determining their corporate strategy and operations. This focus, however, often results in new operational strategies that increase the subsidiary's operational burden and potentially reduce profitability. Empirically, several sharia commercial banks in Indonesia have experienced a decline in the profitability of their sharia business units after spinning off into independent sharia commercial banks. This research employs normative or doctrinal juridical methods, utilizing both a statute approach and a conceptual approach. As an innovative contribution, the author proposes the Spin-Off Appropriateness Assessment as a model for evaluating the implementation of spin-offs in sharia business units. This assessment aims to increase the ROA ratio and create an investment climate that is environmentally sound. It comprises three main components: fixed capital, non-performing loan identification, and capital sources mapping.


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