Implementation of Carbon Trading: Mechanisms of Execution and Legal Protection for Shareholders on the Indonesia Carbon Exchange

  • Maychellina Maychellina Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: carbon exchange, capital market, stock exchange, shareholders, corporate


This research aims to find out how the trading mechanism on the carbon exchange and legal protection for company shareholders in carbon trading transactions on the Indonesian carbon exchange. Increased global awareness of climate change has prompted many countries, including Indonesia, to adopt more effective mitigation measures. A carbon exchange is a platform for buying and selling carbon credits, which can be obtained by companies that have taken decarbonisation measures. Through carbon trading, investors can be involved in reducing carbon emissions through a scheme that has been provided, namely emission trading or emission offsets. The Indonesian government issued carbon trading regulations and policies as an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally, and the presence of the Indonesian Carbon Exchange (IDX Carbon) provides positive sentiment for a number of issuers engaged in the environmentally friendly sector. This is because the presence of a carbon exchange opens up opportunities for environmentally friendly companies to increase their revenue by selling carbon credits. The method used in this research is normative juridical with statutory approach and conceptual approach. The results of this research show that shareholders of carbon exchange organisers can only be owned by sui generis institutions, Indonesian citizens, Indonesian legal entities, and/or foreign legal entities that have obtained permission or are under the supervision of the financial services regulator in their home country. In addition, members of the board of directors of the carbon exchange organiser must be domiciled in Indonesia.


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