jhbbc 2024-06-25T02:55:15+00:00 Dr.Rosalinda Elsina Latumahina,S.H.,M.Kn Open Journal Systems <p>Journal title: <strong>Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Bonum Commune</strong> <br> Initials: <strong>Hukum Bisnis Bonum Commune</strong> <br> Abbreviation: <strong> Jurnal Hk. Bisnis Bonum Commune. </strong> <br> Frequency: <strong>2 Issues per year (February &amp; August)</strong> <br> DOI: <strong><a href="">DOI 10.30996/jhbbc</a></strong> <br> P-ISSN: <strong><a href="">ISSN 2622-982X </a></strong> <br> E-ISSN: <strong><a href="">ISSN 2622-9668 </a></strong> <br> Editor in Chief: <a href=";view=overview">Rosalinda Elsina Latumahina</a><br> Publisher: <strong><a href=""> Faculty of Law, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya</a></strong> <br> Citation: <strong><a href=""> SINTA</a></strong><strong><a href=";hl=en&amp;authuser=2"> Google Scholar</a></strong><strong><a href=""> Garuda</a></strong><strong><a href=";search_text=jurnal%20hukum%20bisnis%20bonum%20commune&amp;search_type=kws&amp;search_field=full_search"> Dimensions</a></strong> <br> Discipline: <strong> Property Law; Export-Import; Consumer Protection; Investment; Insurance; International sale of Goods; Intelectual Property Roghts</strong><br> Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Bonum Commune is a peer-reviewed journal, published by the Faculty of Law, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. First published in 2018 and now there are as many as two editions per year. Each edition there are eleven articles. This journal gives readers access to download journal entries in pdf file format. Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Bonum Commune is created to communicate and disseminate for researchers to publish research articles or conceptual articles. The Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Bonum Commune only accepts articles related to the Property Law; Export-Import; Consumer Protection; Investment; Insurance; International sale of Goods; Intelectual Property Roghts. The Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Bonum Commune is available in both print and online. The language used in this journal is Indonesian. Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Bonum Commune and the Asosiasi Pengelola Jurnal Hukum Indonesia came into an agreement on journal publication cooperation in 2020. The email address is <br> <strong><a href=""> Since April 2020, this journal has been accredited Rank 4 as a scientific journal under the decree of the Minister of Research And Technology Head of National Research And Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia, Decree No. 85/M/KPT/2020, April 1st, 2020</a></strong><br> This journal has been indexed by: Sinta, Google Scholar, Dimensions, Garuda, LIPI, Zenodo, Academia, PKP Index, Scilit, etc. and has become a CrossRef Member, therefore, all articles published by JHMO will have unique DOI number.</p> Conceptualizing the Establishment of BPPKE: Legal Protection for Businesses in Indonesia 2024-06-06T22:28:06+00:00 Hanny Hilmia Fairuza Nadhila Citra Supriantoro Ardani Rizky Trianto <p style="text-align: justify;">The development of technology brings significant changes in human life, including in the formation of more efficient electronic agreements. Smart contracts, as programmable contracts using blockchain technology, have facilitated agreements without intermediaries with high efficiency and security. In Indonesia, smart contracts are starting to be used although they still encounter pros and cons, especially regarding the aspect of legal validity. The availability of specific regulations regarding electronic contracts poses a major challenge, where the law must provide guarantees and legal recognition equivalent to conventional contracts. Therefore, the establishment of the Electronic Contract Supervision and Protection Agency (BPPKE) becomes important to create order, certainty, and justice for all parties involved in electronic transactions. BPPKE is expected to oversee and supervise the implementation of applicable regulations so that legal objectives can be achieved well in the digital business era. The research method used is Reform-Oriented Research aimed at assessing the sustainability of existing rules and proposing changes to rules deemed necessary related to electronic contracts in Indonesia. Thus, the conceptualization of the establishment of BPPKE is expected to enhance the investment and business climate in Indonesia, as well as strengthen legal protection for business actors, both nationally and internationally. This is in line with the rapid development of information and communication technology, where electronic transactions are becoming increasingly dominant in global business activities.</p> 2024-04-23T05:49:11+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## International Legal Resolution of the Recognition Dispute over the Intellectual Property Rights of the 'Reog Cultural Dance' by Malaysia 2024-06-06T22:28:33+00:00 Nazhif Ali Murtadho <p style="text-align: justify;">This research aims to describe theoretical and practical views regarding legal protection of intellectual property rights, especially in terms of traditional Indonesian culture. This research uses a qualitative writing method using a normative juridical approach. This research also touches on the juridical aspects of the case. This research was made in descriptive form with data collection techniques obtained through methods library research or what is known as library study techniques and techniques for analyzing legal materials using descriptive, evaluative, argumentative, and prescriptive techniques. The rise in cases of cultural claims made by other countries certainly provides a certain interpretation of the weak aspects of legal protection for intellectual property rights, especially in cultural matters. This can be seen, for example, in the case of Malaysia's claim to the Reog Ponorogo cultural dance, which should be viewed from a historical-sociological aspect as an original cultural heritage from the Ponorogo area, East Java. Such cases are not uncommon and often give rise to prolonged disputes which of course have implications for the diplomatic relations that exist between the two countries. Reviewing the provisions of Article 38 of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright, it is explained that traditional cultural expressions whose creators are not known for certain have intellectual property rights protected by the state. On this basis, a special systematic system is needed to resolve the dispute. In this regard, efforts related to the process of resolving intellectual property rights disputes in the international domain cannot be separated from the legal politics that occur both in the realm of national political life and in the realm of international politics.</p> 2024-04-24T04:52:36+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Regulation of Corporate Social Responsibility through Environmental Development Program: A Review from a CSR Perspective 2024-06-06T22:29:02+00:00 Armansyah Armansyah Adfiyanti Fadjar <p style="text-align: justify;">The Company, as a business entity, must take on social and environmental responsibility, which is known as corporate social responsibility (CSR). Community empowerment programs are part of implementing CSR forms used in the Company's efforts to support sustainable development based on the 3P principles, namely Profit, People, and Planet. This research aims to analyze the implementation of the Community Development Program as a strategy in CSR management and the implementation of CSR arrangements in managing corporate responsibility in environmental aspects. The method in this research is normative juridical research. The approaches used are the Legislation Approach, Case Approach, and Concept Approach. Implementing the environmental development program is a strategic step that can have a long-term positive impact on the Company. A critical aspect of the Program is that it focuses on sustainable development. Companies involved in this activity are concerned with current environmental elements and aim to leave positive things for future generations. By adopting environmentally friendly practices and sustainability projects, companies can create positive impacts that are sustainable in the long run. Implementing CSR regulations in managing environmental responsibility is an essential step companies take to balance business sustainability and social and environmental impacts. CSR regulation in managing ecological responsibility is about more than just complying with rules or meeting market expectations. But also as an effort to create long-term value, build strong relationships with stakeholders, and become an agent of positive change in society.</p> 2024-04-30T05:08:45+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Empowering MSMEs: Unravelling the Essence of Business Law and Brand Protection in Indonesia 2024-06-06T22:29:29+00:00 Ujang Badru Jaman <p style="text-align: justify;">In the context of Indonesia, as a country with a very large number of MSMEs, a good understanding of the role of business law and trademark protection is a very important capital to create a conducive and sustainable business climate for MSMEs. Along with a better understanding, it is also expected that there will be an increased awareness of the importance of trademark registration and business law protection for MSMEs in Indonesia. This study explores the complex legal and trademark protection system that Indonesian MSMEs (micro, small, and medium enterprises) have to go through. Business registration procedures, compliance standards, and legal support present barriers that are revealed through normative analysis and further explained through interviews with experts. In addition, there are problems with brand protection procedures, such as difficult law enforcement and protracted brand registration procedures. The results are synthesized into normative solutions that suggest changes to the company's compliance, registration, legal aid, and brand protection systems. If put into practice, these solutions can empower MSMEs, encourage innovation, and boost the Indonesian economy. In addition, it is also important to create mechanisms that make it easier for MSMEs in the trademark registration process. Simple measures such as simplification of registration forms and improved accessibility of information on the registration process can greatly help MSMEs with limited resources and knowledge. These measures, along with the proposed normative solutions, can significantly improve MSME trademark protection, encourage innovation, and strengthen the Indonesian economy.</p> 2024-04-30T06:03:13+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Spin-Off Appropriateness Assessment: Propriety Test of Sharia Business Unit Spin-Off to Increase Return on Assets 2024-06-10T01:37:09+00:00 Muhammad Daffa Alfandy <p>The obligation to transform a sharia business unit into a sharia commercial bank through a spin-off from its parent bank, a conventional commercial bank, must be balanced with a strategy to increase the return on assets (ROA) of Islamic Business Entities (BUS). A higher ROA ratio correlates with increased profitability. The regulatory provision mandating spin-offs, however, tends to weaken the BUS, making it difficult to compete in the national Islamic banking industry. This is because the spin-off obligation for the UUS can actually diminish its profitability performance. As Watchell has noted, while spin-offs can create differentiation from investment targets in each business, they can also lead subsidiary companies to become more focused in determining their corporate strategy and operations. This focus, however, often results in new operational strategies that increase the subsidiary's operational burden and potentially reduce profitability. Empirically, several sharia commercial banks in Indonesia have experienced a decline in the profitability of their sharia business units after spinning off into independent sharia commercial banks. This research employs normative or doctrinal juridical methods, utilizing both a statute approach and a conceptual approach. As an innovative contribution, the author proposes the Spin-Off Appropriateness Assessment as a model for evaluating the implementation of spin-offs in sharia business units. This assessment aims to increase the ROA ratio and create an investment climate that is environmentally sound. It comprises three main components: fixed capital, non-performing loan identification, and capital sources mapping.</p> 2024-06-10T01:37:09+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Independent Commissioners: How Independent? 2024-06-12T01:10:10+00:00 Suwinto Johan <p>Companies are managed by directors whose decisions and actions are overseen by a board of commissioners, which includes both commissioners and independent commissioners. An independent commissioner is a party that shares no relationships with the company's directors or the company itself. However, the independence of independent commissioners in performing their duties is questionable. This research examined the independence of independent commissioners using a normative juridical research method based on primary data, secondary data, and other relevant information. The juridical research method focuses on existing realities or implementation in the real world compared to the normative expectations or standards. The results showed that independent commissioners are not entirely independent, particularly in state-owned enterprises where connections with affiliates persist. Additionally, independent commissioners often had direct or indirect relationships with the government, with some being former civil servants or government supporters. Meanwhile, private companies tend to appoint commissioners based on prior personal relationships, such as friendships, rather than familial or business affiliations. Despite these connections, independent commissioners remain crucial for stakeholders interested in the company's governance. This research highlights the complexities surrounding the independence of commissioners and underscores the need for clearer definitions and enforcement of independence in corporate governance.</p> 2024-06-12T01:10:10+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Generic Brand Law on Bakmie Bangka Brands that Use Public Domain 2024-06-25T02:55:15+00:00 Muhammad Rayhan Rizki Rojali <p>Commercial activities involving goods and services in Indonesia have experienced significant growth, driven by advancements in information technology and transportation. This has led to a rapid expansion in the trade sector related to the production of goods and services. One method to protect these creations is through the use of trademarks. "Mie Bangka," also known as "Bakmi Bangka," is a distinctive cuisine originating from Bangka Island. This study examines whether the "Bakmie Bangka" brand can be categorized as a generic brand, the legal protections for generic brands within the framework of trademark rights, and whether the registration of the "Bakmie Bangka" brand infringes upon the public domain within trademark rights. This research utilizes a normative juridical approach, which includes the examination of published literature and conducting direct qualitative research with business operators. The findings of this study indicate that the name "Bakmie Bangka" can be classified as a generic brand.</p> 2024-06-25T02:55:14+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##