Keywords: Theory TAM, Theory UGT, Digilib


Information Systems Technology is an asset for an organization, if managed well it will provide added value for competition, as well as increasing the possibility of success for a business, therefore information systems must be managed well. STIAMAK Barunawati Surabaya College of Administration and Port Management also uses information systems technology (SIAKAD) to improve the quality of education and services in higher education, one of which is the digital library application (DIGILIB) for STIAMAK Surabaya students using the Technology Acceptance approach. Model (TAM) and “uses and gratifications theory” (UGT). The purpose of this research is to analyze individuals' intentions to use DIGILIB technology by referring to factors such as user perceptions of usability, ease of use, and other factors related to technology. The method used in this research is quantitative, with a total of 69 students responding using a Likert scale questionnaire and structural equation model (SEM) analysis techniques based on partial least squares (PLS). The results of this research show that there are three significant hypotheses, namely 1) Behavioral intention which mediates the relationship between Ritualized Use and Use Behavior, 2) Ritualized Use has a significant and positive effect on Behavior Intention, and 3) Behavioral intention has a significant and positive effect on use behavior


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