Implementation Of Green Economy In Apartment Building In Surabaya

  • Farid Triandarto Triandarto Mahasiswa
  • Dhony Navandi Navandi
Keywords: Apartment, Urban, Green Economy, Surabaya


Approach to urban green economy to apartment buildings. Surabaya is the largest
metropolitan city in East Java Province and the capital of the province. By population, it is
the second largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta. According to data from the Surabaya City
Central Statistics Office (BPS), Surabaya's population is currently growing rapidly, and is
expected to have more than 2 million residents by 2021. With faster population growth, the
activity population also becomes more productive. Aside from growing population
activities, the need for housing is also growing and is becoming a problem, especially in
urban areas. The high cost of land and the shrinking number of vacant lots make it hard for
immigrants and local communities to buy houses or land in Surabaya. Therefore, a vertical
housing concept or apartment is needed to solve the expensive and difficult problem of
empty land in Surabaya. The concept of green city development emerged as a result of this
problem. A network or system of urban green building uses nature to reduce or cope with
urban issues and climate change.


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