Improving the Performance and Resilience of Family Companies

  • Have zulkarnaen Universitas Islam Darul Ulum Lamongan
  • Isnaini Anniswati Rosyida Universitas Islam Darul Ulum Lamongan
  • Ahmad Fakhrurraji IAIN MADURA
Keywords: Durability, Performance, Family Company



The main focus in this study is to understand what factors can shape the performance and resilience of family companies. The research method used is a literature review with a qualitative approach, especially through analysis of relevant and reputable previous research. This research adopts literature study techniques to explore and integrate findings related to the research topic, especially in the context of the object of discussion here being family companies. The findings from this literature review are how improving performance and resilience in companies is significantly influenced by factors such as shareholder protection, crisis management, social capital, and risk management which can play a role in shaping the performance and resilience of family companies.


Keywords: Durability, Performance, Family Company


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