Green Supply Chain Management: Concept and Challenge

Keywords: Green supply chain management, Operations management, Enterprise performance, environment


companies in Indonesia, which contain the concept or definition of green supply chain Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) or known as environmentally innovative supply chain, aims to consider environmental involvement in supply chain management. As a reason for sustainable environmental responsibility, most companies today believe that considering GSCM is a must. They now understand that the application of green aspects principles in the technology they adopt will provide significant benefits and positive impacts on the supply chain network, from the point of supply (suppliers) to the point of consumption (end customers). Most of the research on GSCM that has been done previously focuses on the involvement of environmental aspects and social sustainability in its operational implementation. The purpose of this literature research is to analyze the implementation of the concept of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). Assessment of several selected journals, especially research journals conducted in several specialized management in the perspective of operational management. The concept used in this writing is operations management. The method used in this study is content analysis. The initial contribution of this research was to first analyze the definition or concept of green supply chain management, then analyze the barriers found during GCSM practices. This journal produces proportions related to the concept of green supply chain management. The conclusion of this study is that green supply chain management has the same meaning, namely the supply chain of companies that pay attention to environmental sustainability, where GSCM is a development of the Supply Chain Management (SCM) Concept which is one of the ten important decisions in operational management that affect the increase in value and performance of the company. The drawback of this paper is the limited number of definitions (concepts) of green supply chain management analyzed, due to limited time and sources containing definitions of green supply chain management.


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