The Effect of Audit Quality and Financial Performance on Audit Delay (Empirical Study on LQ45 Companies in 2021-2023)

  • Tiffany N.P.G Politeknik Negeri Kupang
  • Melda Mariana Poeh Politeknik Negeri Kupang
  • Jecklyn Ndoloe Politeknik Negeri Kupang
Keywords: Audit Delay, Profitability, Leverage, Audit Quality


The financial report is an information medium that is very useful for stakeholders. The financial statements owned by the company can be used for stakeholders to make decisions. Financial statements presented by companies must be audited because audited financial statements can increase the confidence of financial statement users. One of the important factors in financial statements is timeliness. Financial statements can be very useful if financial statements are presented on time, therefore the financial statements presented must be timely so that decision-making can also be taken appropriately. The purpose of this study is to see what factors can affect audit delays. Audit delay is the time difference between the closing date of the book and the date of signing the auditor's report. The sample in this study is companies with the LQ45 index, because LQ45 index companies are companies that have a healthy financial condition. Data will be taken from the Indonesia Stock Exchange website for 3 years. Data analysis will be carried out using SPSS by performing the Classical Assumption Test and the Multiple Linear Regression Test. The targeted output is journal publication in accredited national journals.


Keywords: Audit Delay, Profitability, Leverage, Audit Quality


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