• I Gede Putu Suardana
  • Tri Ratnawati
  • Amiartuti Kusmaningtyas


During this time, the business actors in the Small Business, lack of understanding
about Packaging, especially regarding the functions and benefits, so they make the
Packaging with the origin. This study aims to determine the role and function of
packaging in maintaining product safety, as a promotional media so as to increase the
selling value of the products of the Small Business. Appropriate material structure,
attractive packaging appearance will give a distinct impression for consumers in
determining their decision to buy or not buy a product. Descriptive qualitative research
method by conducting a direct survey of Small Business in Sidoarjo, and also conducting
library and literature studies. The results of this study prove that the right material
structure and the appearance of packaging that is very attractive to consumers will
increase sales of these Small Business products.

Keywords: Packaging, product sale small business product


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