Business Development Strategy For Improving Sales In Start Up Retail Building Material (Case Study: Hero Castle)

  • Alfin Nur Arifah Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
Keywords: retail, business strategy, hybrid strategy, building material store


Hero Castle is a retail company that started its business on February 1, 2015, located in Raya Pemda street Singaparna Tasikmalaya. Hero Castle sells building finishing materials such as ceramic/granite for the floors and walls, sanitary and kitchen tools, paint, glue, and building accessories for doors and windows. As a new company that has been in operation for eight months, Hero Castle needs to maintain its growth with the right business strategies. This thesis will discuss about the implementation of business strategies in Hero Castle to improve sales. Based on the sales data per month from Hero Castle,  a decrease in sales is evident in the second to fourth months. In this study has applied a hybrid strategy to improve sales in Hero Castle. This study is divided into two periods, namely the first period from February to May. The second period is from June to September. The first period is the period before the implementation of a hybrid strategy, while the second period is the period after treatment or after the application of a hybrid strategy. The result in the second period ( June – September ) shows the average sales increased to 71.38% from the previous period ( February – May ). The main weaknesses and threats found based on the results of the SWOT analysis are a lack of capital and technology. Thus the implementation plan will be focused to fix these two problems. To maintain and improve business performance Hero Castle has a strategic implementation plan which is divided into three steps, namely improving the quality of human resources, improving management distribution, and utilizing system technology.


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