The Impact of Instagram Social Media and e-Mouth of words as a Marketing Strategy on Purchasing Decisions

  • Estik Hari Prastiwi Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
Keywords: Instagram, Mouth Of Word, Brand Equity, Purchasing Decisions


Study this aim to prove and analyze the influence of social media Instagram and mouth of word on decision purchase by direct or through brand equity mediation. Method data collection used is with method  questionnaire, sample study of 150 respondents. The method sample used namely purposive sampling, namely respondents who have buy fashion products in e-commerce at least twice. Method data analysis used WarpPls 7.0 . Research results show Instagram influential significant to decision purchase , word of mouth is influential significant to decision purchase. Brand equity is as mediation of Instagram's influence on decision purchases. Brand equity is also a mediation the influence of mouth of word on decision purchase


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