Analysis of the Blue Economy Concept in Improving the Living Standards of Fishermen Through the Existence of Village-Owned Enterprises in Tanjung Batu Village, Berau District

  • Abdul Hakim Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Endah Susanti Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Lisa Puspitasari Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
Keywords: Blue Economy, Coastal Fishermen, BUMDes


Berau District has potential for demersal fisheries such as grouper, snapper and octopus. Demersal fish are fish that usually live in a demersal zone, such as the bottom of a sea or lake. This fish is an important economical fish in Berau City. However, with so many requests, fish supplies are depleting over time, so firm efforts are needed to bridge the supply and demand issues with sustainable and eco-friendly blue economy activities. The aims of this study are (1) to analyze the implementation of the blue economy in the fishing village of Tanjung Batu, Berau district. (2) To see the income level of traditional fishermen from going to sea in the village of Tanjung Batu, Berau Regency, (2) to find out the comparison of the income level of traditional fishermen with the existence of BUMdes in Tanjung Batu village, Berau Regency. The results of the study show that as a form of implementing blue economy activities, the Regional Government of Berau Regency is active in socializing fishermen with regulations so that fishermen also have a role in protecting fishery resources in their fishing activities. The Regional Government of Berau Regency also provides subsidies for environmentally friendly nets as a form of fishing gear revitalization aimed at protecting the ecosystem as a form of zero waste implementation in the blue economy. The existence of BUMDes in the Tanjung Batu fishing village in terms of providing business capital to fishermen, is able to provide positive results by increasing the catch of fishermen. Fishermen are able to increase their income in one catch while sailing. Fishermen can afford to buy modern tools to help when sailing, such as technological tools in the form of GPS and fish finders to make it easier to find fish.


Keywords: Blue Economy, Coastal Fishermen, BUMDes


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