Transformational Leadership in Human Resource Management: A Bibliometric Analysis of Academic Research on its Impact and Organizational Implications

  • Mauli Siagian Universitas Putera Batam
Keywords: Transformational Leadership; Human Resource Management; Organizational Implications


The present study offers a thorough bibliometric analysis of scholarly literature pertaining to the subject of "Transformational Leadership in Human Resource Management". The objective of this study is to examine the influence of transformational leadership within the context of human resource management (HRM) and its consequences for organizations. By employing a bibliometric methodology, a comprehensive dataset comprising peer-reviewed articles, conference papers, and other scholarly publications was compiled through data collection from diverse academic databases. The analysis elucidates the trends and patterns observed in the research, encompassing aspects such as the frequency of publications, growth patterns, and the extent of collaboration among authors and institutions. The study focused on the identification and comprehensive analysis of key themes and sub-topics pertaining to the concept of transformational leadership within the field of Human Resource Management (HRM). Moreover, the present study examines the spatial distribution of scholarly research and underscores the areas that have made the most noteworthy contributions. The results of this study illustrate the escalating fascination with transformational leadership in the field of human resource management (HRM) over time, suggesting its expanding significance in the realm of organizational leadership methodologies. This study investigates the effects of transformational leadership on different human resource management (HRM) functions, including employee motivation, job satisfaction, and performance. It aims to provide insights into the beneficial impact of transformational leadership on organizational outcomes.

Keywords: Transformational Leadership; Human Resource Management; Organizational Implications


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