Legal Regulations for Fair National Salt Pricing Policy in Indonesia

  • Dewi Titin Lestari Trunojoyo University Madura
  • Muwaffiq Jufri
  • Cristovao Adao Da Silva University of Dili, Timor Leste
  • Mukhlis Mukhlis Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
  • Helmy Boemiya Universitas Trunojoyo Madura


So far, the problem has been the distribution of the salt harvest, which does not have a fixed price each harvest period. This is because there is no policy that specifically regulates the selling prices of salt farmers and entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, during the harvest period, farmers determine selling prices usually based on the weather and the success of the harvest, while entrepreneurs determine prices by looking at the market. In this case, there will be an imbalance and a point of instability in the salt distribution mechanism. The current salt pricing system is based on unstructured market practices and a lack of regulations that strictly regulate the pricing process. Salt farmers are often forced to rely on middlemen or large entrepreneurs who monopolize access to the salt market. The aim of this research is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the importance of regulations related to setting a fair national salt price for salt farmers. This research uses normative legal research methods with a statutory and conceptual approach. The results of this research are so that salt farmers can easily and easily find out the quality of the salt they produce, the government makes policies related to national salt prices which can improve the quality of human resources and formulate regulations. which will determine salt quality criteria openly and the problems of legal regulation of salt prices in Indonesia, including limited access to capital for banks and financial institutions, effectiveness problems, unclear legal politics, and difficulties in coordinating with other laws and regulations, can be overcome. By revising Law No.7/2016. The conclusion of this research is that formulating policies related to salt production and pricing requires an integrated and comprehensive approach.


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