Optimisation of Trademark Registration Policy for MSMEs in Indonesia

  • Rizki Zakariya Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: Trademark Registration, Legal Approach, MSMEs


The growing economy is accompanied by increased business competition among business actors, including Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Trademark infringement is a risk inherent in such business competition. Therefore, it is crucial to mitigate disputes and trademark infringement by other business actors through trademark registration. However, the number of MSMEs registering trademarks remains very low, accounting for only 0.06% of the total. The results of this study highlight the urgency of a legal approach to MSME trademark registration. This urgency is underscored by the history of trademark regulation in Indonesia and international influences, the need for MSMEs to register trademarks to obtain protection, encourage innovation and creativity, and enhance their value and financing. Despite these benefits, the number of MSMEs that register their trademarks remains low due to a lack of awareness about the benefits of trademark registration and unfamil Therefore, it is necessary to improve trademark registration policies. This can be achieved by the Regency/City Government allocating a proportional and planned budget for socialization and assistance activities for MSMEs registering trademarks in their area. Additionally, the Government can encourage the private sector and financial institutions to contribute to the financing of MSME trademark registrations. Such measures are expected to increase the rate of trademark registration among MSMEs with government policies aimed at promoting such registration.


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