The Influence of Theorie Von Stufenbau Der Rechtsordnung in the Indonesian Legal System

  • Syofyan Hadi Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: hierarchy, legals norm, reviews, validity


The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of Hans Kelsen's Theorie Von Stufenufbau Der Rechtsordnung on the Indonesian legal system. The research method employed is legal research with a statutory and conceptual approach. Primary and secondary legal materials are analyzed using normative analysis. The findings reveal that Theorie Von Stufenufbau Der Rechtsordnung significantly impacts the Indonesian legal system. There are at least two main influences identified. First, the system of laws and regulations in Indonesia has been structured hierarchically since the enactment of the Temporary People's Consultative Assembly Decree No. XX/1966 up to the present day. However, this hierarchy is not absolute, especially concerning the positions of Perppu and People's Consultative Assembly Decrees. Second, there is a recognized mechanism for reviewing legal norms to ensure their validity, whether through judicial review, political review, or executive review. The hierarchical structure of Indonesia's legal system reflects Kelsen's theory, which posits that law consists of interrelated levels of norms. Each level derives its authority from the norm above it, with the basic norm at the apex, serving as the source of legitimacy for the entire legal system. In the Indonesian context, this basic norm can be identified as the UUD NRI 1945, which underpins all subordinate legislation. The review mechanism for legal norms also illustrates the influence of Kelsen's theory. Judicial review, conducted by the Constitutional Court, assesses whether a law aligns with the Constitution. Political review is undertaken by legislative bodies such as the DPR, which can evaluate and amend legislation. Executive review is carried out by executive bodies, such as the President or ministers, who have the authority to adjust or repeal regulations deemed inappropriate.


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