Dinamika Pencapaian Kesejahteraan Subjektif pada Waria Pekerja Salon yang Mengalami Diskriminasi

  • Siti Alfiani Dewi Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
  • Yudho Bawono Universitas Trunojoyo Madura


Basically, in society there are only two recognized genders, namely men and women. However, there are people who cannot accept their gender, who are called transmen and transwomen or are called transgender. Transgender, like humans in general, need clothing, food and shelter. To fulfill their needs, transvestites have to work, one of which is working in a salon. As salon workers, transgender in District X, Gresik Regency have not been accepted by society and have faced discrimination. However, they still accept it gracefully, respect the community, participate in every event organized by the community, and do good to the community. Apart from that, they also have a sense of joy, good mood and enthusiasm for work. The aim of this research is to determine the dynamics of achieving the subjective well-being of transgender salon workers in District X, Gresik Regency who experience discrimination. The research method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The research participants involved in this research were three transgender people who had the following criteria: 1) Transgender salon workers; 2) Experiencing discrimination; and 3) Live in District X, Gresik Regency. Data collection techniques used semi-structured interviews. Data analysis used IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis). The research results found that transgender salon workers in District X, Gresik Regency, although they experienced discrimination, were able to achieve subjective well-being in their lives.


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