Pengaruh family social capital terhadap life satisfaction dan work-life balance dengan importance of material well-being sebagai moderasi pada pegawai perempuan

  • Sendy Krisna Puspitasari Universitas Airlangga
Keywords: family social capital, life satisfaction, work-life balance, importance of material well-being


This study aims to determine the effect of the role of importance of material well-being in moderating family social capital on life satisfaction and work-life balance. The data for this study were obtained from 215 respondents and are female ASN employees who work at the Satpol PP Surabaya City. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. This study uses the family social capital scale developed by Quick et al., (2021) with a reliability of 0.764, the life satisfaction scale developed by Diener & Robert Biswas (2008) with a reliability of 0.805, the work-life balance scale developed by Fisher et al., (2009) with a reliability of 0.776, and the importance of material well-being scale developed by Ernst Stahli et al., (2021) with a reliability of 0.749. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence between family social capital and life satisfaction, there is a positive and significant influence between life satisfaction and work-life balance, there is a positive and significant influence between family social capital and work-life balance, and the importance of material well-being has an insignificant influence family social capital on life satisfaction, and the importance of material well-being has an insignificant influence family social capital on work-life balance. Female ASN employees who can balance family and work affairs and feel life satisfaction towards their work then become productive and optimal in their daily lives can avoid psychological problems and have a prosperous life. Female ASN employees also do not put the importance of material well-being as the needs of their family and work.


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