Kecemasan Menghadapi Dunia Kerja: Apakah Ada Hubungan dengan Kematangan Karir?

  • Ghea Yunita Putri Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Career Maturity, The Anxiety to Face The Working Worlds, Students last semester


Abstract. The phenomenon of increasingly narrow job opportunities, a fairlyhigh unemployment rate and intense competition in the working world to obtain job opportunities have resulted in the anxiety to face the working word. One of the groups of productive workers with unemployed status who are most affected by this situation are students who will enter the working world, that are final year students. The factor for final year students is career maturity. The aim is to determination relationships between career maturity and anxiety facing of world the working world on students of Psychology Faculty in 17 August 1945 University Surabaya. Research with a correlational model. Technique is sampling how to take a purposive sampling sample. Research result through Pearson Product Moment correlation test produces a value (rxy) = (0.101) which is significant at p = 0.296 (p = <0.05). Because p > 0.05, concluded that it is not significant negative correlation between career maturity variables between the anxiety to face the work world. It is mean, the hypothesis which states if the negative relationship between maturity and anxiety to face of working word on students Psychology Faculty in 17 August 1945 University Surabaya is rejected.


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