Kecemasan Dalam Menghadapi Dunia Kerja Antara Siswa SMA Dan SMK Surabaya

  • Wilhelmina Nafis Naru Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Anxiety, World of Work, Students


Abstract.  This study aims to determine the differences in anxiety in dealing with the world ofiwork between student SMA and SMK Surabaya. The subjects ofithis study were the 12 th grade students of SMA Wijaya Putra and SMK Dharma Bahari Surabaya as many as 184 respondents. The research was conducted by distributing questionnaires with purposive sampling. The technique used to determine differences in anxiety in dealing with the world of work between high school and vocational students with t-test (t-test). The results ofidata analysis with t-test obtained t = 6.317 with p = 0.000 The empirical mean value of SMK is 122.33 which is higher than the mean value of SMA is 108.82. The results ofithis data analysis indicate that there are differences in dealing with the world of work between student SMA andiSMK. Anxiety in facing the world ofiwork for students SMKiis higher than students SMA .


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