STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PRODUK (Studi kasus strategi komunikasi produk smartphone merek Sonyyang mengalami fase decline)
Product is a result that must be published and able to answer the needs of the community, therefore it is very important to indicate how the process for the product to the hands of consumers as expected by the manufacturer. One of the key is the communication strategy applied must be in accordance with the stages of product life cycle (product life cycle), communication strategy that failed to cause fatal things. This research tries to answer how the appropriate communication strategy of product especially at product that experiencing of decline phase. With the aim of the research can know and understand the right strategy for products that experience decline phase (decline), especially in marketing communication perspective. The research method used is qualitative case study. The result of the research is one of the appropriate communication strategy to save the product entering the decline phase is A-TR theory (Awareness, Trial, Reinforcement), Awareness of focus which must be chosen is to create advertisement with the aim of emphasizing on awakening public awareness. The trial is expected to maximize awareness process. Reinforcement stage (reinforcement) producers only as a measuring tool for the success of the strategy that is prepared. With the use of A-TR product communication strategy (Awareness, Trial, Reinforcement) is expected to rescue products that begin decline phase, so have the courage to enter the market and show its existence back in the market. Keywords: product communication strategy, advertising theory, product life cycleDownloads
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