• Peribadi Peribadi Universitas Haluoleo Kendari.


The study aimed to assess the socio-economic space of shopping along with its various problems. This research applied a qualitative approach. It was developed deepenly to analyze the process of socio-economic interaction and communicational action as non economic factor that influenced the flow of the people’s economic growth. In the effort of analyzing the communicational process of selling and buying, it was employed the methods of communicational ethnography, ethnomethodologics, and heuristical symbolic interactionism. Thus, the factors that played the roles in the interaction could be found. The results of the research showed that behind the crowd of traditional shopping arena, there were a few actors of the people’s social economy who feel sad. In addition, at the back of the fanfare of Super Mall, Mega Mall and Hypermarket, it was found a pseudo-reality and a chunk of lies that in turn led to consumptive behavior. It was unavoidable that the consumptive ideology has become a "fantastic cage", so that the upper middle class (the haves) were increasingly fond of spending their money. Inevitably, for the middle and lower classes (the havenots) also attempted to taste a variety of the consumptive goods. Keywords: Social Space, Traditional/Modern and Market


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