• Tatag Handaka Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM)


Government development system encouraged environment complexity like fictif farmers group. Those farmer groups existance when giving of Kaligesing goat from government. The aim of the research is to know how government communication system adapted in complexity of fictif farmer groups in Kaligesing goat farmings in Purworejo regency. Theory that had used is communication system in Niklas Luhmann perspective.Research methods that had used is conducted explorative case study.Population of the research in Purworejo regency which was the center of Kaligesing goat farming.The result of this research shown that government communication system was produced information about giving letter of decision from village heads for farmer groups which have activity in farmings. Government communication system was reproduced information about classification of farmer groups by subdistrict extension center and legacy of farmer groups. But those producing and reproducing of information wasn’t solved complexity effective because two factors. First, government communication system less interrelated with its sub systems. Second, government communication system less interrelated with others systems, especially political system.

Keywords: government communication system, adaptation, complexity, fictif farmer groups, farmings of Kaligesing goat.


Abstrak Sistem komunikasi Pemerintah menghadapi kompleksitas lingkungan berupa poktan fiktif. Poktan ini sering muncul ketika pemberian bantuan kambing Kaligesing oleh Pemerintah. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana sistem komunikasi Pemerintah beradaptasi dalam kompleksitas poktan fiktif pengembangan kambing Kaligesing di kabupaten Purworejo. Teori yang digunakan adalah sistem komunikasi dalam perspektif Niklas Luhmann. Metode penelitian adalah studi kasus eksploratif. Populasi penelitian di kabupaten Purworejo yang menjadi sentra pengembangan kambing Kaligesing. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem komunikasi Pemerintah sudah memroduksi informasi berupa pemberian Surat Keputusan Kepala Desa (SK Kades) untuk kelompok tani (poktan) yang aktif berkegiatan. Sistem juga mereproduksi informasi berupa pendataan poktan aktif oleh BPK dan kewajiban berbadan hukum. Namun produksi dan reproduksi ini tidak efektif menyelesaikan kompleksitas karena dua hal. Pertama, sistem kurang berinterrelasi dengan sub sistemnya. Kedua, sistem lemah dalam berinterrelasi dengan sistem diluar dirinya, terutama sistem politik. Kata

kunci:sistem komunikasi Pemerintah, adaptasi, kompleksitas, poktan fiktif, pengembangan kambing Kaligesing


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