Pengaruh Paku Sebagai Bahan Tambah Terhadap Kuat Tarik Belah Beton

  • Gede Sarya
  • Nurul Rochmah
  • Indra Lukmansyah


The use of concrete for construction materials is currently in demand because the
concrete has advantages such as high compressive strength, easy maintenance after the
concrete is crushed and easily formed to suit the needs. Among the advantages of the
concrete also has a defect that is brittle and has a tensile strength of about ten percent of the
compressive strength. Disadvantages of the concrete can be overcome by adding fiber to the
concrete mixture, can be called fiber concrete (fiber concrate). In this study the use of special
stainless steel factory-made as an additional material will be replaced with other materials
that is nails. The results to be tested include compressive strength and tensile strength of the
variation of spikes 0%, 2% and 4% were tested for 7 days and 28 days of test subjects of 36
units. The results obtained from this research process is a decrease in compressive strength as
the variation of spikes increases and vice versa increases the tensile strength as the spikes
Keywords: Normal Concrete. Fiber Concrete. Fiber Steel


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