Quality of service is essential for growth and success in the banking sector, as servicebecomes an increasingly important factor in determining market share and bank profitability.
Therefore, the banking sector is required to make improvements as well as improving the
quality of service to regain public confidence. Both Conventional and Sharia Banks compete to
provide the best services so that the needs or expectations of customers are met. If the customer
is satisfied with the services provided, then the customer will be loyal to the bank. In order for
customer satisfaction to be realized, the bank must have the ability to provide the best service.
Of course from these services will arise a variety of customer ratings. This study aimed to
analyze the comparison of customer satisfaction of Sharia Bank and common conventional bank
to the quality of service provided. The analysis model used is Importance Performance
Analysis, whereas to know whether there is any difference of satisfaction between common
conventional bank customer with sharia bank customer, U Mann-Whitney non parametric test is
two independent samples. To facilitate the analysis, the researchers used SPSS program. Based
on the Importance Performance Analysis that has been done, it can be seen that the service of
both banks is quite satisfactory and has met the expectations of customers. While from result of
analysis of U Mann-Whitney non parametrik two independent samples obtained that there is
difference of satisfaction between common conventional bank customer with customer of sharia
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