• Siti Mujanah
  • Tri Ratnawati
  • Sri Andayani


The aims of this study is to find an effective strategy in the development of
Hinterland Tourism Village in Mount Bromo area, so itwill becomes selfsufficient
villages and able to provide the facilities, infrastructure for local and
foreign tourism. This research is include as Descriptive explanatory research
wich to obtain field data to build a model of the grand design of rural tourism
development in the Hinterland region of Bromo Mountain. The Object of this
research are three tourist villages around Bromo Mountain, while data
collection was done by interviews with rural principiples, SMEs and both
tourist local and international as the sample respondents. Data were analyzed
with SWOT analysis to determine the strategy gathering an the other one is
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determin the ranking of ODTW. The
results of SWOT analysis based on the weight and value scores of respondents
indicate that the development of rural tourism was scored in the first quadrant
is a strategy to optimize the strengths and opportunities, while the results show
that the AHP Wonokitri village has the highest number and the second is
Ngadisari and ranked third village is Ngadas village. The model of strategy
rural tourism could developed when supported optimally by the community, the
government such as the Government Center for TNBTS, Department of
Tourism, PU, Cooperatives and SMEs, and the Department of Society
Empowerement, while also supportby private sectors, SMEs and local investors
and also education Institutions.
Keywords: Model Strategy, and Rural Tourism Development


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Strategi Pengembangan Desa Wisata Di Kawasan Hinterland Gunung Bromo Jawa Timur
