• Abdul Halik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya


Countries which joined in the OKI founded the financial institutions that
provide financial services based on fees and profit sharing to the OKI member
countries. The sharia banking in Indonesia is started in 1991 by a Muamalat
Indonesia bank. The development of the market share until 2012 has reached
about 4,62 %, it means that sharia banking must try hard to develop its market
share. But the market share of sharia banking always loses with the
conventional banks, it can only grow 1 percent per year, but the conventional
banks can grow till 7 percent per year. According to Tjiptono (2007: 111) the
marketing mix is the product, the price, distribution and promotion of the
location and known as 4p, in addition the company can do differentiate
competitive in the delivery of services through three aspects known 3p in the
marketing services. The population on this study is the customers that they have
the bank account in the Sharia bank public and live in Gerbang Kertasusila area.
From that population, this study uses sample of 200 respondents. A method of
sampling purposive is a technique of the determination of the sample based on
chance, it means that anyone who by chance or incidental meet, when they
make a deal in the any Sharia bank or other place (home, office and etc.), with
the researcher can be used as the sample, if that person is considered suitable as
a source of data. The results of research that marketing mix, the quality of
services, and the religiousness value significantly influences to the trust of
customers. So, hypothesis is received. Services of marketing mix significantly
influences to the commitment of customers. Then, hypothesis is received. The
quality of services and the value of religiousness influence positively but not
significantly to the commitment of customers and hypotheses is rejected. In
short, the trust is significantly influenced by the religiousness value to the
commitment of customers. Although, the trust cannot be significantly
influenced the marketing mix to the commitment of customers. But, the quality
of services is significantly influenced to the commitment of customers. From
the results of the research, the researcher suggests to the head of the Sharia bank
public to determine the best composition of marketing mix and it should be
taken from UMKM agent because the population of Indonesia is moslem. In
addition, the researcher hopes the next researcher can increase the indicator or
make the new indicator for the comprehensive and applicative in the Sharia
bank research.
Key word: Marketing mix, service quality, religiousness value, trust and
Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Jasa, Kualitas Layanan Dan Nilai Religiusitas Terhadap Kepercayaan Nasabah dan
Implikasinya Pada Komitmen Nasabah Bank Umum Syariah Di Wilayah Gerbang Kertasusila Jawa Timur.


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