Menakar Kasus Lumpur Lapindo Sebagai Pelanggaran

  • Hananda Dwi Sasongko Putra
  • Arief Dwi Adyatma
  • Muh. Jufri Ahmad


The factor of the Lapindo mudflow disaster led to errors in the planning and drilling process which
succeeded in eliminating the settlement of communities around drilling. The impact felt by the victims after
the incident in the refugee camp was very alarming, because it was far from feasible. There are many rights
that have been violated in the case of Lapindo mud so that the state is obliged to intervene in resolving this
case. So that the process that has occurred so far from the beginning until now regarding the subject matter
of the core problem remains the same, namely the conflict between victims of Lapindo mudflow and PT
Lapindo due to the retraction of the compensation process that is considered too small or not equivalent to
the losses suffered by Lapindo mud victims. In addition to the problem, namely the rejection of the
relocation of Lapindo mudflow victims, the construction of damaged infrastructure due to Lapindo
mudflows and the widespread spread of Lapindo mudflows has not yet been completed. So this incident
raises the question of whether the Lapindo mudflow is a crime or a violation of human rights. As well as
how the state has obligations to this case. This study uses a juridical normative approach whose research
results show that this case is a violation of human rights and the state is obliged to restore the condition of
the victim and the environmental impact caused and the state must thoroughly manage compensation or
compensation arising from Lapindo mud


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