JHP17: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian 2024-06-24T07:34:27+00:00 Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto Open Journal Systems <p><strong>JHP17: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian</strong>&nbsp;is a peer-reviewed and open acess journal accomodating researchers, academicians, and scholars around the world to share knowledge adopted from high quality research projects in wide area of disiplines and represent the areas of Economics, Civics, Law Sciences, Social &amp; Humaniora Sciences, Psychological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Earth Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Language Studies, Literary Studies, Cultural Studies, Area Studies, Library Studies, Informatics, Management, Marketing and Engineering. The JHP17: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian is a platform where people can sense the quality of research ideas. Severe reviewed research projects can be submitted for publication, therefore only unpublished and authenthic work is considered for publication projected to produce quality research atmosphere worldwidely. The JHP17: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian &nbsp;publish only submitted manuscripts that has been verified through plagiarism screening, that is why quality and novelty manuscipt is given highest priority. The existence of this journal serves a platform for researcher all over the world to synchronize and share their research work pursuing to the initiative development and application of research and technology.</p> OPTIMALISASI BLUE ECONOMY TERHADAP SUMBER DAYA EKONOMI DI SURABAYA 2024-06-24T07:34:27+00:00 Ramadhan Adin Nugroho Indrian Nandito Rivaldo Martadinata Anthonie Maria's Yovita R. Pandin <p><em>The purpose of this study is to evaluate how Surabaya's economic resources are impacted by the Blue Economy, as measured by the amount and value of marine production in the region. The Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Surabaya's Water Supply, Waste Management, Recycling, Fisheries, as well as the Inflation Rate, serve as indicators of these economic resources. The study's findings show that the Blue Economy influences Surabaya's inflation rate in various ways and adds to GRDP but not significantly in these sectors. The development of the Blue Economy is crucial for Surabaya's sustained economic growth, as this analysis makes clear.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>Blue Economy, Surabaya, GRDP of Fisheries, GRDP of Agriculture and Forestry, GRDP of Water Supply, Waste Management, Waste and Recycling, Inflation Rate.</em></p> 2024-06-24T07:34:27+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##