Agresi Verbal pada Remaja Penggemar K-Pop NCT: Adakah hubungan dengan Celebrity Worship dan Psychological Well-being

  • Lussy Mahardhika
  • Dyan Evita Santi
  • Aliffia Ananta
Keywords: Celebrity worship, psychological, well-being, verbal aggression, NCT K-pop fans


This study aims to explore the relationship between celebrity worship, psychological well-being, and verbal aggression in adolescent K-Pop NCT fans. Verbal aggression refers to behavior that intends to hurt, intimidate, or harm someone verbally or physically. Verbal aggression includes the use of mocking words, abusive language, expressions of hatred, and sarcasm. This study uses quantitative methods involving a population of 205 K-Pop NCT fans who are members of the "Neo City Area" community. The research subjects consisted of 124 adolescent K-Pop NCT fans, aged 15-19 years, who were selected by purposive sampling. Data collection was conducted using a Likert scale, with measurement instruments consisting of the aggression scale, celebrity attitude scale, and psychological well-being scale (PWBS). Multiple regression analysis showed that there was a simultaneous relationship between celebrity worship and psychological well-being on verbal aggression. Partially, a positive relationship was found between celebrity worship and verbal aggression, while psychological well-being was negatively related to verbal aggression. These results indicate that the higher the level of celebrity worship, the lower psychological well-being, and conversely, the higher the level of verbal aggression in adolescent K-Pop NCT fans.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi keterkaitan antara celebrity worship, psychological well-being, dan agresi verbal pada remaja penggemar K-Pop NCT. Agresi verbal merujuk pada perilaku yang bermaksud melukai, mengintimidasi, atau membahayakan seseorang secara verbal maupun fisik. Agresi verbal meliputi penggunaan kata-kata ejekan, bahasa kasar, ekspresi kebencian, dan sarkasme. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan melibatkan populasi sebanyak 205 penggemar K-Pop NCT yang tergabung dalam komunitas "Neo City Area". Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 124 remaja penggemar K-Pop NCT, berusia 15-19 tahun, yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan skala Likert, dengan instrumen pengukuran yang terdiri dari the aggression scale, celebrity attitude scale, dan psychological well-being scale (PWBS). Analisis regresi berganda menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan simultan antara celebrity worship dan psychological well-being terhadap agresi verbal. Secara parsial, ditemukan hubungan positif antara celebrity worship dan agresi verbal, sementara psychological well-being terkait secara negatif dengan agresi verbal. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat celebrity worship, maka psychological well-being akan menurun, dan sebaliknya, semakin tinggi tingkat agresi verbal pada remaja penggemar K-Pop NCT.


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