Hubungan Antara Self Efficacy Dengan Academic Burnout Pada Mahasiswa Yang Mengikuti Organisasi

  • Alci Dyantari
  • Adnani Budi Utami
  • Hetti Sari Ramadhani
Keywords: Self efficacy, academic burnout, student


This study has a goal, namely to understand the correlation between self-efficacy and academic burnout for each student as they are participating in an organization. The participants involved were students who were active in organizational activities at the University of 17 August 1945 Surabaya. In addition, researchers took data by using a purposive sampling method. The research subjects totaled 127 students. The data analysis method uses a statistical program (SPSS 22.0 for windows). The analysis technique used is the correlation analysis technique for the product moment. Based on the results, it can be seen that the coefficient on the correlation is -0.718 with a value that is classified as significant, namely 0.000 (p ≤0.05). Thus, the related hypothesis that has a negative correlation between self-efficacy and academic burnout for each student can be accepted. This explains that there is a significant negative correlation between self-efficacy and academic burnout, where the higher the level of self-efficacy, the lower the level of academic burnout for every student who is participating in an organization. on the other hand, if the lower the level of self-efficacy, the greater the level of academic burnout for each active student who participates in an organization.


Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yakni guna memahami korelasi antara self efficacy dan academic burnout terhadap setiap mahasiswa sebagaimana yang sedang mengikuti organisasi. Partisipan yang terlibat yakni mahasiswa yang sedang aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi lingkup Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. Selain itu, peneliti mengambil data yakni dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 127 mahasiswa. Metode analisa data menggunakan program statistika (SPSS 22.0 for windows). Adapun teknik analisis yang dikenakan yakni mengenakan teknik analisis korelasi terhadap product moment. Berdasarkan hasil dapat diketahui bahwasannya dari koefisien terhadap korelasi -0,718 dengan nilai yang tergolong signifikan yakni sejumlah 0,000 (p ≤0,05). Demikian, hipotesis terkait yakni memiliki korelasi negatif antara self efficacy dan academic burnout terhadap setiap mahasiswa dapat diterima. Hal ini sebagaimana menjelaskan bahwasannya adanya korelasi yang tergolong negatif secara signifikan antara self efficacy serta academic burnout, dimana jika makin tinggi tingkatan self efficacy maka makin rendah juga  tingkat academic burnournya bagi setiap mahasiswa yang sedang mengikuti organisasi. adapun kebalikannya, jika makin rendah terhadap tingkat self efficacynya dengan begitu makin besar juga tingkat dari academic burnout masing-masing mahasiswa aktif yang mengikuti organisasi. 


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