Pengaruh Foktor-Faktor Total Quality Managemet Terhadap Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan SMA Negeri di Surabaya

  • Feliks Anggia B.P Program Doktor Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya


This study talks about the Effect of Total Quality Managemet Factors on Improving
the Quality of Secondary School Education in Surabaya. The research population is all
teachers of Senior High School who have worked for 5 years at least. A sample of 150
Result of research: 1). From result of test "F" that variable = X1 = quality dimension; X2
= Focus on learners; X3 = Leadership; X4 = Sustainability Improvement and X5 = Human
Resource Management simultaneously influence Educational Quality Improvement, this is
supported by the value of R Square (R²) of 0.752 and F = 9.589 with Sig = 0.001 <= 0.05.
2). From the result of t test (partial test), it can be concluded that from the 5 variables that
have partial influence is the Variable The quality dimension has the effect of 20.1% to the
improvement of the Quality of Education, and has the contribution value on the change of
Education Quality improvement equal to = 4.1%. Variable X3 = Leadership has influence
of 33.1% to the improvement of Education Quality, and has contribution value on change
of Education Quality improvement = 11.0% with value of Sig 0.000 <= 0.05. The
Continuous Improvement Variable has an influence of 18.4% on the improvement of
Education Quality h, and has contribution value on the change of Education Quality
improvement in Surabaya State High School equal to = 0.034% with value of sig 0.000 <=

Keywords: Total Quality Managemet, Quality Improvement of Education.


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How to Cite
Anggia B.P, F. (2017). Pengaruh Foktor-Faktor Total Quality Managemet Terhadap Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan SMA Negeri di Surabaya. JMM17 : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Dan Manajemen, 4(01).