Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap, Citra Bank dan Keputusan Menabung di BNI Syariah Kota Kediri

  • Djunaedi . Dosen Fak. Ekonomi Universitas Kadiri Kediri-Jawa Timur


This research talked about the client decision to save on BNI Sharia in Kediri Town of
East Java. This study was focused on bank image improvement model and Saving Decision
based on CSR, and Product Quality. From the testing results on the model in this research,
by using random sampling, structural equation model (SEM) analysis, and the assistance
software Amos 20, on 150 respondents, it was able to explain the relationship between
CSR, Product Quality, and Bank Image on the Saving Decision at Bank BNI Sharia in
Kediri Town of East Java. In this research, it was obtained a strong influence of CSR on
Bank Image, amounting to 0.286, and a strong influence of the bank image on the client
saving decision, that is of 0.780, this case showed that, with the rise of CSR, it will raise
the Bank Image, which in turn raised the Decision Saving of clients. In this research, it
also obtained a strong influence of product quality on the Bank Image, amounting to 0.327,
this case showed that, with good product quality, it will raise the Saving Decisions of
clients, through Bank Image. While the correlation between CSR and saving decision was
Keywords: CSR, Product Quality, Bank Image, Saving Decision


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How to Cite
., D. (2016). Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap, Citra Bank dan Keputusan Menabung di BNI Syariah Kota Kediri. JMM17 : Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Dan Manajemen, 3(02).