• Abdul Halik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya
  • Dony Perdana Fakultas Teknik Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif Sidoarjo
  • M. Adhi Prasnowo


The volume of waste and limited land to disposal accompanied and high
population growth, where this statement also by the technical waste
management still conventional. Waste management urban especially in
residential areas until now generally is done through the stage of activity as
follows, namely: packing the garbage, collecting garbage from the houses to
LPS (disposal depot), transferring garbage directly to LPA (Final Disposal
Site) or from LPS ( Temporary Disposal Site) to LPA, until the waste is
disposed in LPA. Shortly, garbage from urban area contains 10 % (weight)
material that can be recycled ( paper, iron, cans, etc ), 50 % of them is organic
matter and 40 % of residue. Then, 60 % ( weight) dump can be recycled: 10 %
can be reused, and 50 % can be composited ( anonymous, 1992 ). The data
from Surabaya’s Sanitary Agency mentions that the total of daily volume of
garbage in Surabaya is 79,19 % that all of them form the household. Integrated
waste management systems need to combine reduction the waste, recycling &
reusing, compositing, the incinerating and final disposal. Reduction source of
garbage for industry need zero-waste technology and simple/minimal packing
products that has environmentally friendly. While, the habitual of wasteful
should be left for the households .Then, the approach recycling and reusing
applied particularly to the non-organic like paper, plastic, aluminum, glass,
metal and others. A lack of awareness of waste and the level of public
consumption and other activities make the waste kept piled up in the final
disposal site ( LPA) . Waste commonly found in the landfill among other bottles
beverages , detergents , and plastic bags .The waste the less attractive makes us
reluctant to see an even a glance at. In fact if we want to try, the waste can
become business opportunities. Even if we want to manage it properly, this
business could be the power source. Most cans is made of aluminum through a
process that require a lot of energy. Garbage cans recyclable with melt and
made aluminum as a starter new products .Thus, can additional energy sources,
pollution can be reduced , and resources bauxite , lime and sodium carbonate
as a starter aluminum can be efficient.
Keywords: waste, recycling , flat, and incomes.


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Peningkatan Usaha Pengepul Barang Bekas Di Kota Surabaya
