: Jurnal Kajian Kebahasaan & Kesastraan2024-10-30T13:43:44+00:00Y.B. Agung Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>PARAFRASE: Jurnal Kajian Kebahasaan dan Kesasatraan</strong> is biannual peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the Faculty of Cultural Science, University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. The journal encourages original articles on various issues within Language and Literary Studies, which include but are not limited to philosophy, literature, linguistics, anthropology, history, cultural studies, Japanese studies, arts, and information science focusing on Indonesian cultural studies and research. <strong>PARAFRASE: Jurnal Kajian Kebahasaan dan Kesasatraan</strong> accepts to publish a balanced composition of high-quality theoretical or empirical research articles, comparative studies, case studies, review papers, exploratory papers, and book reviews. All accepted manuscripts will be published either online and in printed journal.</p> Komik Strip Digital sebagai Media Literasi Covid-19 di Masa Pandemi Covid-192024-08-06T07:20:03+00:00Hilman Ahdi<p>Covid-19, which is spreading throughout the world, has made major changes to human life. On the other hand, irresponsible information in the form of hoaxes is spread on various social media and adds to public panic. In response to the confusing information regarding Covid-19 and the widespread problems in society, many social communities have emerged that are moving and consistently trying to provide insight regarding Covid-19. So many social campaigns emerged in the form of visual literacy related to Covid-19 which were adopted by several social media activists, one of which was as a community that collaborated with many local Indonesian comic artists., invites several local comic artists to collaborate using online methods as a new method due to limited access and space. This research uses semiotics and visual rhetoric studies as according to Tracy Owens Patton in developing Sonja K. Foss' theory of visual rhetoric (Josephson, 2020). The results of the study carried out show that the Covid-19 phenomenon, which has limited the space for comic artists to work creatively, has actually created a breakthrough for the Koomik community in carrying out promotions. The meaning and message to be conveyed from the comic strip collaboration focuses on social problems that exist in society. Covid-19 is not only a problem in the health sector, but also a social problem for confused people.</p>2024-05-28T14:17:01+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Z Individual Perceptions Regarding the Implementation of Strawless2024-08-06T07:43:11+00:00Nur Rizky Dewi Dwi<p>The strawless policy is believed to be an effort to prevent environmental problems in Indonesia. This campaign targets generation Z as a group that is closely related to the use of the internet and technological advances. The strawless campaign collaborated with Generation Z's coffee consumption lifestyle is expected to create a new culture. This research aims to find out generation Z’s views towards the strawless policy and examine the realization of strawless as a cultural element to create a new way of life. The researcher used qualitative methods with instruments of in-depth interview and observation. Data analysis uses circuit of culture theory by Stuart Hall (1997) consists by five aspects in examining cultural phenomena, namely regulation, representation, identity, production, consumption. The results of the study show that from the five elements of the circuit of culture, it proves that strawless has succeeded in becoming a new culture in the coffee activities of generation Z. However, many reviews and developments are still needed regarding regulations and other alternatives for the convenience of producers and consumers.</p>2024-06-11T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Domination of White People Toward Chinese People in Linda Sue Park’s Prairie Lotus2024-08-06T08:53:31+00:00Ika Novieyanti Triswandariikanovieyantii@gmail.comErika Citra Sari HartantoErika3378@gmail.comDiva Ikawati<p>This study aims to find out the dominance of white people in the novel <em>Prairie Lotus</em> and the impact that occurs after the emergence of the domination in the novel. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method. The data from this study is the conversation of the characters and the narrators’ narration. The method of collecting data from this study is to read the entire contents of the novel using close reading techniques. In analyzing the data, the writer uses the theory of race and racism by Robert Miles and Malcolm Brown. The results show that white people dominate the way of life of minorities in this novel, namely Hanna. She gets a lot of oppression from white people in the Dakota area. This study also shows that there is an impact received by the main character in the novel 'Prairie Lotus', namely the impact on her psyche and mental health. The emergence of domination is due to the lack of an immediate sense of brotherhood and tolerance towards people from the same regions around the main character's residence in the novel <em>Prairie Lotus</em>.</p>2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## against Teenagers Who Are Ostracized by Their Families in the Novel Dear J2024-10-30T13:34:28+00:00Putri Apika Sariputriapikasari@gmail.comBerlian Putri Arifinberlianputri566@gmail.comSyahrul<p>The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the forms, causes, and consequences of violence experienced by a boy character in the novel Dear J by L. Lullaby. In this study using a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data sources used as objects in this study are words, sentences, and dialogues. Documentation techniques are used for data collection in this study. The documentation technique itself is a technique that seeks information or data and learns about things or variables in the form of notes, books and previous journals that support this research. This study produced results from the discussion, namely (1) the forms of violence experienced by victims were physical violence and psychological (mental) violence. (2) The causes of physical violence and psychological (mental) violence experienced by victims are due to factors in the victim's and the mother's past related to their birth. The victim was born with limitations unable to speak or is mute besides that this character is a child from a relationship outside of marriage. That is what causes both his family and friends to hate the boy character. (3) The consequences of violent behavior are damage to family relationships, loss of children's self-confidence, can cause physical and psychological injuries, and violence can also cause children to lose their right to freedom. In this way it can be concluded that the occurrence of repeated violence against the male character carried out by his family and friends results in long-term suffering and misery, and The character of the male character cannot accept it both physically and mentally</p>2024-10-30T13:34:28+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Influence of Slang on The Javanese Language Manners of Young People in Jombang2024-10-30T13:43:44+00:00Elok Dwi Apriliantielokdwi828@gmail.comBagus Wahyu<p>Language is the identity of a country or a region, which is used as the main communication tool. Everyone needs language as a communication tool when interacting, language is also very useful for expressing ideas and opinions, as well as doing other social relationships. In the development of this increasingly advanced era, the use of the Javanese language is felt to have begun to shift and be replaced by the use of Indonesian, and the language of teenagers which is commonly referred to as slang. Slang users are in fact not limited to teenagers, it is not uncommon to find educated people who also use this slang, both in spoken and written form, both in formal and non-formal times, which results in the use of language being not good and not good. correct. Moreover, nowadays, along with the changing times with technology, it has also shifted some of the nation's culture, including the use of Javanese as the daily language of the Javanese people.</p>2024-10-30T13:43:43+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##