representamen <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Jurnal Representamen</strong>: Jurnal Representamen is a peer-reviewed journal, published by Communication Departmen Faculty of Social Politic Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. Representamen Journal publish twice a year (April and October). Representamen Journal was first published in 2015.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal Representamen is a journal dedicated to publishing research dan conceptual article in areas of communication. Papers published by the journal aim to represent important advances of significance to specialist within each field. Jurnal Representamen seeks to share knowledge between those who study communication and those who practice it by publishing theoritical and empirical research. This journal is valuable source of knowledge for the following people: academics, communication practitioners, students, goverment, and private companies</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">ISSN (Printed):&nbsp;<span style="color: #00ccff;"><a style="color: #00ccff;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2443-3942</a></span><br>ISSN (Online) :&nbsp;<span style="color: #00ccff;"><a style="color: #00ccff;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2684-7663</a></span></p> <p><strong>Accreditation:</strong>&nbsp;Certified National Journal (Grade 4) by Ristekdikti with Accreditation <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">No.72/E/KPT/2024</a>.</p> Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya en-US representamen 2443-3942 <p dir="ltr"><span>Authors whose manuscript is published will approve the following provisions:</span></p><ol><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">The right to publication of all journal material published on the jurnal representamen website is held by the editorial board with the author's knowledge (moral rights remain the property of the author).</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr"><span>The formal legal provisions for access to digital articles of this electronic journal are subject to the terms of the </span><span>Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike</span><span> (</span><a href=""><span>CC BY-SA</span></a><span>) license, which means Jurnal Representamen reserves the right to store, modify the format, administer in database, maintain and publish articles without requesting permission from the Author as long as it keeps the Author's name as the owner of Copyright.</span></p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr"><span>Printed and electronic published manuscripts are open access for educational, research and library purposes. In addition to these objectives, the editorial board shall not be liable for violations of copyright law.</span></p></li></ol> Pentingnya Komunikasi Terbuka dalam Menangani Tantangan Psikologis Perempuan Dewasa Belum Menikah dalam Keluarga Sandwich Generations <p><em>Adult women who are old enough but have not yet married in their families or communities in Indonesia are often the targets of stigma. There are many factors that cause women not to marry, such as being the backbone of the family (sandwich generation), focusing on work and career, continuing their education, trauma either from their partner or from past family experiences, and not having found the right partner. This research aims to explore the psychological dynamics of unmarried adult women in sandwich generation families. The research uses qualitative methods with descriptive phenomenological analysis to understand the psychological dynamics of unmarried adult women in sandwich generation families. The data collection method involves interview techniques for in-depth exploration and comprehensive observation of the phenomenon that is the object of research. Data sources in this research consist of primary data sources and secondary data sources. The psychological dynamics of unmarried adult women in sandwich generation families consists of three main loci, namely cognition, affection and conation, which include multiple roles, pressure and social expectations towards them. An important theme that emerged from this research was the importance of open communication in helping adult women find a balance between their roles, dealing with internal conflicts, and communicating their needs and expectations clearly to their families. Open communication allows women to gain emotional support, create mutual understanding, and develop joint strategies for managing existing stress. Thus, this research highlights the importance of open communication as the main foundation in overcoming the psychological dynamics of unmarried adult women in sandwich generation families in Indonesia.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Open Communication, Adult Women, Family, Sandwich generation</em></p> Aryani Pamukti Elok Halimatus Sa'diyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 01 1 13 10.30996/representamen.v10i01.9837 Penerapan Kegiatan Employee Relations dalam Mempertahankan Motivasi Kerja Karyawan PT Mandiri Tunas Finance di Jakarta <p><em>PT Mandiri Tunas Finance is engaged in financing. This company helps businesspeople to get business capital. This is evidenced by the various awards achieved by PT Mandiri Tunas Finance, namely as a company that strives for excellent service for its customers. To get these awards and remain the best financing company, high work motivation is required from employees. The Strategic and Marketing Communication Division plays an important role in maintaining employee motivation so that they can always achieve company goals. This research question focuses on how the implementation of employee relations in maintaining employee motivation of PT Mandiri Tunas Finance in Jakarta? What is the role of Strategic and Marketing Communication Division in employee relations activities? This research uses the concepts of public relations and employee relations and uses descriptive-qualitative research methods. The results of this research include: 1). Employee relations activities carried out include training activities, employee gatherings, family gatherings, giving awards to outstanding employees. 2).&nbsp; The Strategic and Marketing Communication Division plays a role as Public Relations which carries out its duties as a communication facilitator and communication technician.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Employee, Relations, Motivation, Work</em></p> Doddy Wihardi Shinta Kristanty Mulyati Mulyati Kevin Daegaz Pangestu ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 01 14 29 10.30996/representamen.v10i01.10362 Representasi Monstrositas Perempuan pada Film <p><em>A horror film is a film that scares the audience. Horror films also depict the figures of a woman who is constructed to be scary. This can also lead to discrimination against women themselves. The purpose of this study was to determine the representation of women’s monstrosity in the film KKN Di Desa Penari. This research uses a qualitative method with Roland Barthes’s semiotic analysis knife which has two stages, the first stage is denotation, and the second stage is the connotation that will later produce myths. The theory used is the monstrous feminine from Barbara Creed. The data obtained from this study was by observing scenes in the film KKN Di Desa Penari and taking pictures or screenshot that were considered capable of representing female monstrosity. Parts of the film KKN Di Desa Penari are interpreted by researchers by interpreting based on the socio-culture that exists in the community. The result of this study is the representation of female monstrosity shown in the scenes of the film KKN Di Desa Penari in the physical form, sexuality, and anger of the woman’s body. This female monstrosity is also influenced by patriarchal culture, where this culture is a durable culture, especially in Indonesia. It can also lead to discrimination against women who are constructed in horror films.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Female Monstrosity, Semiotics, Horror Film&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p> Candra Setiawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 01 30 41 10.30996/representamen.v10i01.10754 Analisis Wacana Kritis Cewek Kue, Cewek Bumi dan Cewek Mamba dalam Media Sosial Tiktok dan Twitter <p><em>The terms Cewek Kue, Cewek Bumi and Cewek Mamba are currently massively heard on social media </em><br><em>Tiktok and Twitter. This term was popularized by Tiktok users @javamassie and refers to the dominance </em><br><em>of colors used by women on the outfits worn. This term was originally only used among Tiktok users, but </em><br><em>after reaching 3 million viewers on the videos he uploaded on Tiktok, this term then spread on another </em><br><em>social media, namely Twitter. The users of the Tiktok and Twitter accounts then began to identify </em><br><em>themselves as Cewek Kue, Cewek Bumi or Cewek Mamba by using similar captions "so it turns out that so</em><br><em>far w is a wkwk earth girl" based on the outfits they use. This becomes interesting when this identification</em><br><em>is pinned by the owner of the @javamassie account who is a man, to female Tiktok and Twitter users for </em><br><em>using the word "cewek". The use of language cannot be judged as it is, nor can the use of the terms cewek</em><br><em>kue, cewek bumi and cewek mamba. This study uses Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis to</em><br><em>see how the term influences gender discourse in social practice. The result of this research is that social </em><br><em>media no longer builds its own reality, no longer forms its own virtual world, but at that time the virtual </em><br><em>world and reality are intertwined with each other. The discourse present in social media can no longer be</em><br><em>underestimated, what happens in social media, no longer stays in social media. Discourse that is present </em><br><em>and moves in social media also influences discourse in reality life. Social media is no longer a safe place </em><br><em>and an intact public space, when the practice of power persists.</em></p> <p><br><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> Tiktok; Twitter; Critical Discourse Analysis; Gender; Norman Fairclough</em></p> Nara Garini Ayuningrum Fransisca Benedicta Avira Citra Paramita ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 01 42 56 10.30996/representamen.v10i01.10760 Keterbukaan Diri Pada Jalinan Relasi Percintaan Masa Kontemporer Dengan Pengenalan Melalui Dating App Bumble <p><em>Dating apps are the contemporary answer for individuals to connect with more individuals. Its essence as an online dating app makes Bumble provide the best features and various conveniences of the relationship building process. Using a qualitative approach, this research is conducted with the aim of knowing self-disclosure in contemporary romance relationships through the dating app Bumble. Bumble was chosen because of its popularity and good reviews among other dating apps. In building relationships through introduction to the Bumble dating app, individuals experience a process of self-disclosure stages as evidenced by social penetration theory. Social penetration proposed by Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor proves that individuals experience gradual communication openness from public to private like an onion peeling analogy. Social penetration theory is classified into 4 stages, namely orientation, affective exploratory exchange, affective exchange, and stable exchange. Supported by Mark Knapp's relationship theory which describes 5 individual stages in the process of building commitment, namely initiating, experimenting, intensifying, integrating, and bonding, strengthening the concrete evidence in this study. This study found that motivation has a major influence on the process of self-disclosure between individuals through the introduction of the dating app Bumble.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Social Penetration, Bumble, Relationship Theory, Self-Disclosure </em></p> Vira Oktaviona Mukaromah Mukaromah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 01 57 75 10.30996/representamen.v10i01.10211 Terpaan Informasi Politik Di Media Sosial Terhadap Tingkat Partisipasi Politik Ibu-Ibu Dalam Pemilihan Presiden Tahun 2024 <p><em>This research aims to analyze the level of exposure to political information on social media among female voters in the 2024 Indonesian Presidential candidate election in the city of Makassar. This research uses quantitative methods through survey techniques. Data collection techniques include distributing questionnaires and conducting literature studies in the form of library studies, scientific journals, book references, etc. related to the research topic. The population in the study was female voters specifically for mother voters in the city of Makassar with a total of 445,100 heads of families. The research sample used the Probability Sampling technique with the Cluster Sampling method. Determining the sample size used the Isaac and Michael table with an error rate of 5%, resulting in a sample of 348 people. The data analysis techniques used in this research are validity testing, reliability testing and simple linear regression testing. After the collected data was analyzed using the SPSS version 25 application. The results of this research showed that the level of exposure to political information on social media was 60.1.%.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Information Exposure, Political Information, Social Media, Presidential Election, Makassar City</em></p> Dien Zulfikri Hidayat Moeh Iqbal Sultan Muliadi Mau ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 01 76 89 10.30996/representamen.v10i01.10705 Representasi Identitas Narapidana di Media Massa Hiburan Film dan Serial Televisi <p><em>Marginal/subordinate groups such as prisoners tend to be underrepresented in the entertainment </em><br><em>media, especially in cinematography media, such as films and television series. But when they are </em><br><em>represented in the storytelling media, it is usually with some stigma/stereotype. In this study, the author </em><br><em>will focus on the representation of prisoners' identities in film and TV series media. Anchored in </em><br><em>Standpoint Theory by Sandra Harding dan Julia Wood, this research seeks to unveil the cultural and </em><br><em>societal forces shaping media content, elucidating the processes through which stigmatization is </em><br><em>created. The purpose of this review literature research is to compile several studies that criticize media </em><br><em>representations and stereotypes of prisoners' identities. This research is qualitative research using </em><br><em>literature review methods, compiling previous research literature related to the representation of </em><br><em>prisoners in films and television series. The compilation of several studies on media representations </em><br><em>and stereotypes of prisoner's identity critiques depictions of prisoners in films and television series in </em><br><em>the form of limited representations, overgeneralizations, and negative portrayals of prisoners. It is </em><br><em>hoped that the media literacy of the community can increase so that they can be wiser in receiving and </em><br><em>filtering messages displayed in the media, especially film and television series about prisoners who </em><br><em>often normalize rejection, alienation, and negative stigma behavior on former prisoners.</em></p> <p><br><em><strong>Keywords</strong>: representation, prisoners, mass media, films, television series</em></p> Yuni Sriharyani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 01 90 101 10.30996/representamen.v10i01.10205 Objektivitas Media Daring Terkait Penyertaan Modal Negara pada Proyek Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung <p><em>As the guardian of government authority, online media serves to facilitate informational needs and act as the bridge between the government and the public. Objectivity is essential in carrying out this role. and emerge as the two media outlets that extensively cover the issue of State Capital Participation (PMN) in the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Train (KCJB) project, a government initiative requiring public oversight following the involvement of the State Budget (APBN). A total of 46 news samples were collected from the entire population of reports during the months of October to December 2021. Intercoder reliability testing yielded high results, with an average Krippendorff Alpha value of 0.905. The research findings indicate that is capable of presenting news related to PMN in the KCJB project objectively, aligning with public expectations, and remaining unaffected by the professional bias of news creators. However, it still negotiates with journalistic ethics. On the other hand, successfully produces news on the same issue with objectivity based on public expectations, avoiding professional bias, and adhering to existing journalistic ethics.</em></p> Lydia Tesaloni Mangunsong Henny Sri Mulyani Ika Merdekawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 01 102 114 10.30996/representamen.v10i01.10576 Peran Market Intelligence dalam Pencalonan Gibran Rakabuming Raka sebagai Calon Wakil Presiden di Pemilu <p><em>Political parties in Indonesia are increasingly recognizing the importance of implementing market intelligence strategies in selecting presidential and vice-presidential candidates, including in the case of Gibran Rakabuming Raka's candidacy for Vice President in the 2024 presidential election, which can be understood as a 'market-oriented presidential candidacy' strategy. Using a qualitative descriptive analysis method, this research aims to uncover the growing role of market intelligence in the selection of presidential and vice-presidential candidates in Indonesia and how the market-oriented approach provides opportunities to analyze political parties' attitudes toward the four stakeholder groups (voter, competitor, internal, and external orientation). The research findings reveal that factors such as youth, regional prominence, governmental and business experience, and the continuity of previous programs were the primary considerations in Gibran's selection. This approach enables political parties to be more effective in choosing candidates who align with the needs and aspirations of the public. Furthermore, Gibran's candidacy illustrates the significant role played by voter, competitor, internal, and external orientation in the selection process.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: market intelligence, market-oriented party, market-oriented presidential candidacy, political party</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Ratu Mega Maulina Putri Nyarwi Ahmad ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 01 115 126 10.30996/representamen.v10i01.10193 Analisis Teori Determinasi Teknologi Pada Aplikasi “Teman Bumil” sebagai Sumber Informasi <p><em>The need for health information, especially during pregnancy for women, is something that is very important for pregnant women to obtain. Through the Friends of Pregnant Women application which offers various information related to pregnancy, this application makes it interesting to research further regarding the features contained in it. This research aims to find out how much influence the Teman Bumil application has in providing information to pregnant women. The method used in this research is the observation by directly observing the features of the Teman Bumil application and conducting interviews with six informants regarding the use of the Teman Bumil application. The results obtained from this research show that the Teman Bumil application helps pregnant women find information and increase their knowledge about pregnancy. Apart from that, the Teman Bumil application also has the advantage of monitoring fetal development from the beginning to the end of the pregnancy period.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Health, Pregnancy, Pregnant Mother, Teman Bumil.</em></p> Zikrina Munawarah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 01 127 140 10.30996/representamen.v10i01.10468