Selasar <div id="journalDescription"> <p><strong>Selasar</strong>&nbsp;is Open Journal System published by Architecture Department of Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. This journal is a means of research publications that concentrate on the study of architecture to accommodate authors interested in the field of Architectural Planning and Design, Theory and Architectural Criticism, Interior Design, Urban Design and Planning, Housing and Settlement Design, Sustainable Built Environment, Environmental Engineering, Building Science and Technology, Landscape Architecture, Architectural Conservation and Heritage, Project Management and Structural Engineering, Building Materials, Digital Architecture and Building Intelligent Modelling (BIM).&nbsp;</p> <strong>Selasar</strong>&nbsp;was first published in 2004. Subsequently published 2 times a year in&nbsp;<strong>March</strong>, and <strong>September&nbsp;</strong>every first date of the month.&nbsp;</div> Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya en-US Selasar 1693-8240 Identifikasi Langgam Arsitektur Brutalisme Pada Bangunan Geisel Library <p><em>The development of architectural styles continues to change from time to time. Modern architecture is one of the phenomenal architectural styles because it is the turning point of major changes in classical architecture that has existed for thousands of years. There are several factors that triggered the emergence of modern architecture, namely the result of the industrial revolution in Europe and also the emergence of boredom and dissatisfaction of architectural artists at that time against classical architecture. Just like classical architecture, modern architecture is also divided based on its respective styles and characteristics. The indicators used in analyzing architectural styles can be in the form of material selection, material characteristics, structures, floor plans, building forms, and others. This study will focus on finding out what architectural styles are contained in the selected building object, namely the Geisel Library. The Geisel Library is a library building that is located and at the same time an icon of the University of California. The Geisel Library was chosen because of the unique shape and characteristics of the building and the lack of journals regarding the analysis of its architectural style. Methods of collecting data from research using literature studies from previous journals and building observations from the internet. The results of the research will be explained in a qualitative descriptive manner, presented in writing and tables and percentage calculations. The results of the analysis and literature of modern architectural styles, the selected building objects tend to lead to a style of brutalism accompanied by a functional and futuristic style.</em></p> Josephine Roosandriantini Jessica Aprilia Poernama ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-27 2023-09-27 20 2 42 55 10.30996/selasar.v20i2.8971 Cork as a Ceramic Composite Material to Reduce Noise on the Ground Floor of Buildings <p><em>Any building that uses solid or massive (non-porous) materials will easily become a conductor for sound propagation that causes noise. The noise itself can come from inside the building itself and become a sound source or from outside the building that enters through the propagation of material from a building. Criteria for sound propagation that propagates and enters a building must be avoided to provide comfort for users inside. Besides that, understanding for the selection of appropriate materials related to building materials that are able to reduce noise. Especially in multi-storey buildings, where in this type of building there is always a sound of noise from the ceramic material which carries sound propagation down to the room or floor below. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing whether the noise level and pressure on a tiled floor can be overcome by using cork composites. The method used in this research is frequency equalization by recording the observed sound and then comparing the noise level with the maximum sound limit that can be heard by humans. So the expected result is that a ceramic composite with cork can reduce noise below the limit of human hearing, which is 140 Hz.</em></p> Patrisius Patrisius Heristama Anugerah Putra ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-09-27 2023-09-27 20 2 56 65 10.30996/selasar.v20i2.9373 Optimalisasi Aksesibilitas Sebagai Strategi dalam Perancangan Stasiun Kereta Api di Kota Kendari <p>&nbsp; <em>Transportation in Indonesia is very important role in people's lives. As time goes by, the process of transportation has progressed, since the development reforms related to the need for mass and cheap transportation. Meanwhile, the existing conditions are no integration of inter-city land transportation modes from Kendari City with other regions on the Southeast Sulawesi peninsula. So it is necessary to improve transportation by integrating land transportation routes into an integrated transportation system in the trans-rail network system, which is in line with the Kendari City RTRW 2010-2030. This station is expected to make people easy to commute, especially long distances across districts. The station design uses the concept of Accessibility Optimization to create easy accessibility for user circulation both inside and outside the building by using new and adaptable technology. It is also hoped that the planned station facilities will become a new, creative and innovative icon of the city of Kendari, without forgetting the cultural identity of the city of Kendari itself which is unique through the design of its visual elements and contemporary nuances. nature, so that in the planning the contemporary style is used as an architectural flow that reflects freedom to express, have the desire to show something different from other people.</em></p> La Ode Muhammad Yusfan Abdullah Muhammad Faisal Mufidah Mufidah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 20 2 66 79 10.30996/selasar.v20i2.9980 Pemetaan Infrastruktur Fisik Desa Sebagai Kampung Wisata Bunga di Banyuurip Kec. Kedamean, Kabupaten Gresik <p><em>Tourism is one of the sectors that collapsed during the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, floral plants have increasing turnover along with Working From Home. So the Tourism Village with floral plant-based is one solution to improve the local economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research aims to create physical infrastructure mapping at Banyuurip, Kedamean Sub-district, Gresik District to embody Floral Tourism Village.&nbsp; This method uses descriptive qualitative by describing the survey and mapping results to provide an overview of the existing physical infrastructure of Banyuurip Village. The results of this research indicate that sub-Village of Miru and Pendem are centers of the Floral Tourism Village in Banyuurip which are supported by adequate eating facilities, transportation support, telecommunications, water systems, and electricity networks.</em></p> Andarita Rolalisasi Muhammad Faisal Reza Wahyu Himawan Putra ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 20 2 80 89 10.30996/selasar.v20i2.9989 Konsep Arsitektur Organik pada Perancangan Politeknik Pertanian dengan Pendekatan Piramida Efektivitas Belajar <p><em>This architectural design explores the application of the millennial concept in organic architecture at the Indramayu Agricultural Polytechnic with a learning effectiveness pyramid approach. Focusing on millennial values ​​such as collaboration, sustainability, and technology integration, the learning space design is designed to maximize learning effectiveness. By integrating natural beauty, sustainability and technology, this research aims to create an innovative and sustainable learning environment at the Indramayu Agricultural Polytechnic, encouraging student interaction and critical thinking according to the pyramid concept of learning effectiveness.</em></p> Mohammad Maulana Bahrul Ulum Febby Rahmatullah Masruchin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 20 2 90 96 10.30996/selasar.v20i2.10185