The project manager has the duty and responsibility of leading the implementation of the project according to plan, capable of managing a wide range of activities, a large amount of manpower, equipment and determines the methods used to achieve project objectives. But the development efforts in the field of construction services so fast is not proportional to the increase in the quality of work produced. There is still a lot of work executed encountered results did not meet the desired quality. On the other hand, the Government Katingan as the owner of the job is expecting the results of work performed in accordance with the objectives of a project that is the exact cost, time and quality of work. The purpose of this study are (1) Getting the significant impact the quality of the project manager on the performance timing of the road widening project Palantaran - Kasongan, (2) Getting the positive influence the quality of the project manager on the performance timing of the road widening project Palantaran - Kasongan, (3) Getting factor that must be considered in improving the quality of the project manager. After regression analysis, it was found that (1) In general, the quality of the project manager was comprised of Formal Education, Skills, Work Experience, Informal Education, Ability fans are very influential (significant) on the performance timing of the road widening project Palantaran - Kasongan, with a probability of significance ANOVA analysis error, is less than 5%. (2) The quality of the project manager has a positive impact amounting to 92.2% of the performance of the road widening project implementation time Kasongan Palantaran. Formal education, skills, work experience, education Informal, ability supporters, simultaneously a positive effect on the performance time of the road widening project Palantaran - Kasongan, (3) After the selection regression model with the method of Stepwise, it was found that most affect the project implementation time is rank one factor supporting capability, with a weighting of 0.257, rank 2 Skills, with a weighting of 0.256, rank 3 formal education, with a weighting of 0.239, rank 4 informal education, with a weight value of 0,21. Keywords: Project Manager, Construction Services, Methods Stepwise.Downloads
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