The important of assertive attitude to each individual is to fulfill the need and willingness, for instance in socialization to our neighbourhood specifically in teenagers who are interested in different sex. The development of teenagers biological is more complex that enables the happen of more complex social behaviour, for instance getting relationship. The higher of that relationship in their age moreover with the pressure from their contemporary, the higher of avoiding which can guide those teenagers in case they are save in risky relationship behaviour is needed. Dedication to society has been executed in teenagers in Fatumuti, Noemuti District, Timor Tengah Utara Regency, East of Nusa Tenggara Province. This dedication aims at helping the teenagers in developing assertive attitude to avoid free sex. Dedcation methods by explaining the material, ice breaking, and exe rcise to be an assertive individual have been applied by using role playing. The research result after applying psycho-education and “EDA†exercise to the teenagers shows that there are an increasing of knowledge about assertive attitude to the teenagers , in case they understand the significant of being assertive individual and so does pre merriage sex attitude in teenagers and their impacts socially, psychologically and mental health. Keyword: Assertivity Exercise.Downloads
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