ME producers of Banyuwangi best cake are UMKM Ratu Manis and Nam'z which produce various cookies. SMEs sweet queens produce a laugh onde-onde product, and UMKM Namz meghasilkan peoduk tongue cat cake. Problems experienced by both SMEs is the low quality of products produced due to the low application of appropriate technology in the process of printing and pengovenan pastries. To 3 3 overcome the problems faced by MSME stages include: training and coaching, strengthening technology through appropriate technology innovation, monitoring and evaluation. The results of both MSME products have improved product quality, reduced defective products, and increased production capacity. At SMEs sweet queens laughed onde-onde the product becomes uniform with innovative dough onde-onde laughing machine. Kucig tongue cake produced by UMKM Namz has improved quality, and its productivity has also increased with innovation in dry cake cooking process. Keywords: Appropriate Technology, Pastry, Quality Management.Downloads
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