• Sahru Romadloni


Writing this article aims to build mutual awareness, namely the importance of collecting thoughts of National figures, so that becomes an alternative strengthening the identity of Indonesian Nation. The thoughts of National figures have only been written in the form of books and conventional writing. Whereas in this era, the development and progress of technology is a necessity that can not be rejected, so it is important to think out a digital application as an effort to internalisation the identity 217 of Indonesian Nation. Another urgency that needs to be considered, the younger generation is now prefer playing in cyberspace, while groups that deliberately want disintegration of the Nation, aggressively perpetrate propaganda and infiltration through social media. Meanwhile, the method used in writing this article is the method of writing history. The theory used in the research is hermeneutic theory, while the approach used is the sociology of knowledge and anthropological approach. The results of the discussion show that the National Figures that can be adopted in digital applications are Sukarno, Moh. Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir and Tan Malaka. The essence of such thoughts is very diverse, beginning with Nationalism, Unity, Politics, Economics, Culture and others partially. The content of digital application consists of thought ideas in the form of writing, videos or sound recordings or photographs. The operation of a digital application system can run on Android and Windows and can be shared to social media. Keyword: Indonesian Identity, History of Thought and Nation Figures.


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