The construction sector is one of the important sectors in the nation's development strategy. The activities of construction companies have enormous potential hazards such as falling, fires, to death. In previous research, safety behavior, organizational management, environmental conditions and safety climate are the factors that affect work performance. The purpose of this study is to know the characteristics worker in the construction sector in East Java and determine the relationship between physical environment, organizational management, safety behavior, and safety cli mate. The research was conducted by descriptive data analysis and factor analysis method. In this study obtained 329 respondents. The results of data analysis can be seen that most of worker are graduated from Senior High School. Nearly 67% are not permanent employees, such as technicians, foremen, and builders. Workers in the construction sector do not have enough experience with 0-5 years working esperience and their age are 20-30 years old. The result of KMO value factor analysis test is 0,921 and significance at Bartlett test is 0.000. With these results the existing sample is sufficient and founded the relationship between variables. Keywords: Construction, Safety, Factor AnalysisDownloads
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