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hanges the market conditions make SMEs Metal Casting change the products produced. Changes in manufactured products are followed by the type of mold used. Initially these SMEs only use metal mold, but currently required soil mold to create new products. With the addition of the type of mold used, there are some constraints on the metal molding process. The laying of soil mold away from the furnace makes the metal viscosity different from one product to another. To reduce the number of defects in production, it is necessary to rearrange the facility. The facility rearrangement starts from making a process operation map for each product up to the calculation of total product moment count using From to Chart (FTC). By doing several experiments, then obtained a proposal layout that produces the total moment of the smallest product and the amount of output more than ever. So it can be said that the layout can improve the quality and productivity of SMEs metal casting. Keywords: Quality, Facility Rearrangement, Productivity


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