• Edy Prayitno
  • Deborah Kurniawati Program Studi Sistem Informasi, STMIK AKAKOM, Yogyakarta
  • Ilham Rais Arvianto


To achieve quality and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning, learning activities undertaken need to use ICT. In fact there are still many teachers who have not mastered and ready to use ICT in learning. Internet abuse is also a problem that needs to be addressed. The study aims to improve teachers' ability in utilizing ICT to support teaching and learning activities, and to develop a Library Information System to improve the quality of library administration services. Improvement of teacher ability is done by ICT training with Microsoft Office application material for RPP preparation, learning media and assessment of learning result, besides internet to enrich science and communication. Healthy internet socialization, cyber crime and Constitution of Electronic Information and Transaction are presented to students to add insight into the importance of using the internet in learning and avoiding abuse. Library information system developed according to existing rules. The average posttest increase of posttest of trainees was 25% (school 1) and 19% (school 2). To support the socialization conducted, positive message posters were made about internet usage. From the research, it can be concluded that the utilization of ICT can support the improvement of learning quality. Keywords: Information And Communication Technology, Learning Quality, Learning Media, Library Information System, Healthy Internet.


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Author Biography

Edy Prayitno
Program Studi Sistem Informasi, STMIK AKAKOM, Yogyakarta


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