• Mohamad Il Badri


his study entitled "Government Strategy and Policy Resolving Agrarian Conflict in Jenggawah Sub-district of Jember Regency". The purpose of this study is to know government strategy and policy in solving agrarian conflicts. Theoretically, this research is expected to be an important part in the settlement of agrarian conflict in Indonesia. The study of agrarian conflicts by academics is more focused on physical conflict or open acts of violence. On the other hand, a negotiated and cooperative conflict review can be an important issue to be studied as an alternative solution to agrarian conflict in Indonesia. In examining the problem, this research used critical historical method consisting of four stages, namely: a) heuristics, b) source critic c) interpretation, d) historiography. Agrarian conflict in Jenggawah sub-district occurred since 1979, 1994-2005 is a national issue that became the talk. In 19982005, the government had a strategy and policy that could reduce conflict by facilitating all parties to negotiate, cooperative meetings, and make strategic policy in the settlement of agrarian conflict in Jember Regency. Government policy by giving legality of land in the form of certificate is one form of symbolically agrarian conflict settlement. Proven strategy was able to reduce violence acts in the period of 19982005. The bias of the strategy bred resistance through pressure and coercion with a statement of stance to the government on the status of the land being championed. Symbolic resistance is an invisible and recognizable resistance of its purpose to gain recognition of other groups. The symbolic resistance mechanism is gently expressed in the form of a scientific discourse in written text. Key Words: Strategy, Policy, Settlement Of Agrarian Conflict.


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Author Biography

Mohamad Il Badri
jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Banyuwangi


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