• Hanie TekiTjendani
  • Wateno Oetomo
  • Budi Witjaksana
  • Eddy Hariyadi


Transport planning especially road network planning needs to be done carefully and structured. This is important as well as human and goods transportation infrastructure, the road also serves to open the disparity between regions concerned which in turn will improve the economy and welfare of the community at large. South Barito regency is one of the areas in Central Kalimantan Province, Geographically located in the central axis and adjacent to East Barito regency in the east, Kapuas regency in the west, North Barito regency in the north and South Kalimantan province in the south. The position is strategic enough to make the Barito Selatan into a crossing path from or to the provincial capital of Palangka Raya and even the traffic to the province of South Kalimantan. With such a position is regionally very profitable South Barito regency in order to improve the welfare of the community up to the surrounding districts. This condition certainly needs to be supported by the condition of infrastructure, especially the road network is steady and adequate.The number of roads that have not been handled either maintenance or improvement while the road handling fund is very limited, while the aspirations of the community through the Musrenbang Development Deliberation (Musrenbang) at the village and sub-district levels are only a small part realized in the APBD and priority scale determination has been dominated the policy of the decision maker in determining the road handling policy by excluding technical criteria so that it tends to be subjective and unmeasurable it is necessary to set priority of handling of road segment so that the allocation and use of limited fund becomes effective for the development of road infrastructure in South Barito regency.The result of research conducted by using AHP method refers to the conclusion of this thesis shows that the criteria which become the priority of road handling in South Barito Regency are road condition factor (26,23%), followed by economic factor (22,13%), (21.29%), spatial planning (15.56%), and policy factor (14.79%). Keywords: Road, AHP Method, Priority Scale.


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